第五章 研究・報道 Research and Reports


Compiled by the Manhattan Engineer District of the United States Army/ The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ McLean, VA: IndyPublish.com, 1946.
This report, containing 100 photographs, summarizes all the authentic information on damage to structures, injuries to personnel, morale effects, etc, caused by the atomic bombings.
1946年発行。米軍によるマンハッタン計画 (原爆の開発、製造、使用) のまとめ。建造物、人的被害、軍隊の士気への影響を100点の写真付きで報告。


Hersey, John/ Hiroshima/ New York/ Alfred A. Knopf, 1946.
Hersey, an American journalist, was sent to Japan as a special correspondent in May, 1946. His report became the first English documentary on the atomic bombing. Originally published in 1946 in The New Yorker, it is also available in a Bantam Books edition. A new postscript is included in the 1985 edition.
ジョン・ハーシー『ヒロシマ』(法政大学出版局 1949年)


Hersey, John/ Hiroshima: The Aftermath/ Tokyo/ Eihosha, 1985.
The author wrote this report after his return to Hiroshima 39 years later. It appeared in the July 15th issue of The New Yorker in 1985.
英宝社 1985年。ニューヨーカー誌1985年7月15日号に掲載されたジョン・ハーシーの広島再訪記事を収録。


Laurence, William L./ Dawn Over Zero: The Story of the Atomic Bomb/ New York/ Alfred A. Knopf, 1946.
This is a record of the atomic bombing by a journalist who was permitted to cover the project of the development of A-bombs.
W. L. ローレンス『0 (ゼロ) の暁―原子爆弾の発明、製造、決戦の記録』(創元社 1950年)


Bradley, David/ No Place to Hide/ Boston/ Little, Brown and Company, 1948.
This book is a doctor's report about his duty with the Army from July, 1945, six weeks before Hiroshima, to his voyage to Bikini, where he took a job as one of the “Radiological Monitors.” He includes a brief laypersons' guide to the dangers of radioactivity.


The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission/ The Effects of Atomic Weapons/ Los Alamos/ Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1950.
This is a report by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission on the scientific analysis of the effects of atomic weapons.
アメリカ合衆国原子力委員会国防省ロスアラモス科学研究所『原子兵器の効果』(科学新興社 1951年)
The U.S. Atomic Energy Commission/ Manhattan District History, Project Y, The Los Alamos Project/ Los Alamos/ Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory of the University of California, 1961. Two volumes.
This is a record of the technical, administrative, and policy making activities of the Los Alamos Project from its beginning through the development of the A-bomb and the end of World War II until 1947, when the US federal government turned over control of the project to a civilian agency, the Atomic Energy Commission.
山極晃、立花誠逸『資料マンハッタン計画』(大月書店 1993年)


Medical Effects of Atomic Bomb: The Report of the Joint Commission for the Investigation of the Effects of the Atomic Bomb in Japan: Volume 1~6/ Oak Ridge/ The United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1951.
This is a comprehensive report by the Joint Commission for the Investigation of the Effects of the Atomic Bombs in Japan.


Cousins, Norman/ Who Speaks for Man?/ New York/ The MacMillan Company, 1953.
In an American magazine entitled The Saturday Review, the chief editor chronicles his trips to various Asian countries. In the chapter, titled “The First Citizens of the Atomic Age”, he writes about his visit to Hiroshima in 1949 including a description of the current state of affairs in the city and the role the city can play for peace in the world.


Cousins, Norman/ Present Tense: An American Editor’s Odyssey/ Tokyo/ Charles E. Tuttle, 1967.
This book includes a history of an American magazine, The Saturday Review, and a collection of articles arranged in chronological order from World War II to the Vietnam War, written by the editor who helped the “A-bomb maidens” to receive treatment in the U.S. This book includes the story.
ノーマン・カズンズ『ある編集者のオデッセイ』(早川書房 1971年)


Cousins, Norman/ Human Options/ New York/ W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1981.
This is an autobiographical essay written by the chief editor of an American magazine, The Saturday Review. He is known for his support for the “A-bomb maidens” to receive treatment in the U.S. This book also contains photographs he took during his trip abroad, including some taken in Japan.
ノーマン・カズンズ『人間の選択― 自伝的覚え書き』(角川書店 1985年)
米国の文学評論誌『サタデー レビュー』の編集長による自伝的エッセー。広島の被爆女性らを米国に招き、治療を受けさせたことで知られる。「カメラの目を通して」は、カズンズが世界中の旅で撮影した風景や人物のスナップ。日本の写真も数枚含まれている。


Kusano, Nobuo, chief editor; edited by The Japanese Preparatory Committee for Le Congres Mondial des Medicines pour l’Etude des Conditions Actuelles de Vie/ Atomic Bomb Injuries/ Tokyo/ Tsukiji Shokan, 1953.
This report contains 112 pictures and tables which show detailed medical records including micrographs of tissues and cells of the A-bombed human body. Dr. Kusano entered Hiroshima at the end of August, 1945, and helped perform autopsies of the victims. He first reported the reality of the atomic bomb disaster at the International Doctors Conference held in Vienna in 1953.
人体の組織・細胞の顕微鏡写真をはじめ、原爆の被害を克明に記録した112枚の写真や図を掲載している。当時、東京大学伝染病研究所 (現・医科学研究所) の助手だった草野信男は1945年8月末広島に入り、原爆犠牲者の解剖などをした。初版本は、53年ウイーンの国際医師会議で原爆の人体被害の実態を伝えた英文報告書。被爆の実相を記述した日本人による初めての医学書である。


Compiled by Kusano, Nobuo/ Atomic Bomb Injuries/ Tokyo/ Tsukiji Shokan Company, 1995.
The first edition published in 1953 was reproduced as a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the A-bombing.


Neel, J.V., et al./ The Effect of Exposure to the Atomic Bombs on Pregnancy Termination in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Washington/ National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 1956.
This is a detailed report of medical research studying the children born in the 10-year period after the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings by the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC). The research surveys the differences between children born to one or both parents exposed to the radiation with children born to parents who were not. The report concludes that the present data do not provide conclusive results regarding the genetic risks of radiation.
原爆傷害調査委員会 (ABCC) は、広島・長崎で被爆した親 (または両親) から生まれた子どもに対する放射能の影響を原爆投下後10年間、調査研究した。その時点では放射能の遺伝学的危険性に関して十分な結果が出ていないことを報告している。


Lapp, Ralph E./ The Voyage of the Lucky Dragon/ New York/ Harper & Row, 1957.
This is the story of the Fukuryu Maru No.5, “the Lucky Dragon V,” the one hundred-ton tuna trawler that was dusted with fragments of the hydrogen bomb detonated by the United States 160 kilometers east of Bikini Atoll on March 1st, 1954. The Japanese edition, Fukuryu Maru, was published by Misuzu Shobo, Tokyo, in 1958.
ラルフ・E・ラップ『福竜丸』(みすず書房 1958年)


Hiroshima Research Group of Atomic Bomb Casualty, ed./ Physical and Medical Effects of the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Maruzen, 1958.
This is the first comprehensible report by a Japanese researchers' group. The Hiroshima Research Group of Atomic Casualty, composed of physicists, chemists, and specialists in various branches of medicine, was organized in 1956.


Jungk, Robert/ Brighter than a Thousand Suns: A Personal History of the Atomic Scientists/ New York/ Harcourt Brace, 1958.
This documentary book is about the human and scientific aspects of making and testing the atomic bomb. The author is a German American who narrowly survived the Nazi holocaust.
ロベルト・ユンク『千の太陽よりも明るく―原子科学者の運命―』(文芸春秋新社 1958年)


Jungk, Robert/ Children of the Ashes: The Story of a Rebirth/ London/ Heinemann, 1961.
The author reports how survivors in Hiroshima lived after the war, tracing the postwar history of Hiroshima from 1945 to 1957 with a young survivor who committed murder in 1950 and peace activists, Ichiro Kawamoto and his wife, Tokie, as central figures. The couple stood as guarantors for the young survivor.
ロベルト・ユンク『灰墟の光一甦るヒロシマ―』(文芸春秋新社 1961年)


Murakami, Motochiyo, ed./ The Effect of the Atomic Bomb in Hiroshima City on Children/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1958.
This is the abstract of the 61st annual meeting of the Japanese Pediatric Society held on Apri1 22, 1958. In 1956, ten years after the A-bombings, the doctors conducted an investigation on the effects of the atomic bomb on children. The paper reports (1) the conditions under which the children were exposed, (2) the changes in the blood picture and in the skin capillary picture of the children, and (3) the effects to the children's physical development.
第61回日本小児科学会で発表された論文。被爆10年後に被爆幼児を対象に (1) 幼児の被爆状況 (2) 血液と毛細血管における変化 (3) 身体的成長―について調査をした結果を報告している。


Amrine, Michael/ The Great Decision: The Secret History of the Atomic Bomb/ London/ William Heinemann Ltd., 1959.
This is a record of the preparation and prosecution of the atomic bombing. The author indicates some problems with the Manhattan project and discusses who would decide to use a nuclear weapon in the future, taking the cases of Hiroshima and Nagasaki into consideration.
マイケル・アムライン『破減の決定一世界を変えた“マンハッタン”計画』(三一書房 1962年)


Hohenberg, John/ The Pulitzer Prize Story/ New York/ Columbia University Press, 1959.
This book includes the story of four journalists who reported about the production, the first test, and the dropping of the A-bombs. They won the prize because of their reports.
ジョン・ホーヘンバーグ『ピューリッツァ賞物語―ジャーナリストの栄光と足跡―』(産業能率短期大学出版部 1970年)


Eatherly, Claude/ Burning Conscience: The Case of the Hiroshima Pilot, Claude Eatherly/ Told in His Letters to Gunter Anders/ London/ Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1961.
Eatherly, Claude, and Gunter Anders/ Burning Conscience: The Case of the Hiroshima Pilot, Claude Eatherly/ Told in his letters to Gunther Anders; with a postscript for American readers by Anders; preface by Bertrand Russell; foreword by Robert Jungk/ New York/ Paragon House, 1989.
This is a collection of Claude Eatherly's letters to Gunther Anders, a Jewish German philosopher. Eatherly was a US Army Air Force pilot involved in the atomic bombing attack on Hiroshima who was taken to a hospital due to a mental disorder after the war. Anders attended the 4th National Conference Against A-and H-Bombs in 1958 as one of the European representatives.
クロード・イーザリー『ヒロシマわが罪と罰―原爆パイロットの苦悩の手紙』(薩摩書房 1962年・抄訳)
原爆搭載機エノラ・ゲイ号爆撃手に原爆投下の命令を下した元パイロット、クロード・イーザリーとユダヤ系ドイツ人哲学者のギュンター・アンデルスの書簡集。戦後、イーザリーは精神障害で病院に収容された。アンデルスは1958年、東京で開かれた第4回原水爆禁止世界大会にヨーロッパ代表の1人として参加。その時の旅行記は『橋の上の男』(朝日新聞社 1960年)。1989年版には、ギュンター・アンデルスによる後記、バートランド・ラッセルによる前書き、ロベルト・ユンクによる序文が付いている。


Hewlett, Richard G., and Oscar E. Anderson/ The New World-1939, 1946. Volumes 1 & 2/ Pennsylvania/ The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962.
This book is a historical overview of the development of A-bombs, the problems of international control, and the role of United Nations Atomic Energy Commission based on rich resources. The author states that the United States entered the atomic age following the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.


Secretariat of the Accra Assembly, ed./ The World without the Bomb: Selection from the Papers of “The Accra Assembly”/ USA/ Secretariat of the Accra Assembly, 1963.
This is a collection of papers submitted by the participants of the Accra Assembly including lchiro Moritaki, the then chairperson of the Hiroshima Committee to Ban the Atom and Hydrogen Bombs, and Shinzo Hamai, the then Mayor of Hiroshima.
1962年にガーナで開催された「アクラ会議」の参加者による論集。森滝市郎 (当時原水爆禁止広島協議会議長)、浜井信三(当時広島市長)の論文を収録している。


Huie, William B./ Hiroshima Pilot/ New York/ Pocket Books Inc., 1964.
This is the story of Claude Eatherly, one of the pilots involved in dropping the A-bomb on Hiroshima. Eatherly is said to have suffered from mental illness after the war. The author collected materials from the pilot's doctors, friends, family, and ex-crew members.


Shimizu, Kiyoshi, et al./ Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine/ Hiroshima/ Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology, 1964.
This booklet lists the summaries of 12 papers, written from the socio-medical viewpoint which includes studies on A-bomb survivors who were engaged in day labor, aged survivors, and survivors who were living in slum districts.
広島大学原爆放射線医学研究所年報第5号別刷 1964年。社会医学の立場から書かれた12の論文の要約を紹介している。日雇い労働者、老齢化する被爆者、スラム街住民らの被爆者医療を問題にしている。


Shohno, Naomi, et al./ Actual Facts of the A-bomb Disaster I/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima & Nagasaki World Peace Study Mission, 1964.
This document describing the damage caused by the A-bomb was compiled for the 29 goodwill ambassadors of the Hiroshima Nagasaki World Peace Study Mission, which included Takuo Matsumoto, the leader, and Barbara Reynolds, director. This document was compiled for distribution by the ambassadors to people during their trip to Europe, the U.S. and the Soviet Union.
被爆の実相に関する報告書。1963年に米国人平和活動家バーバラ・レイノルズの提唱による平和巡礼団 (松本卓夫団長) が欧米諸国、ソ連を歴訪した際に持参した。


Alperovitz, Gar/ Atomic Diplomacy: Hiroshima Potsdam: The Use of the Atomic Bomb and the American Confrontation with Soviet Power/ London/ Pluto Press, 1965.
There have been seven editions since this book's first publication in 1965. Referring to the diaries and records left by the then statesmen and the people concerned, the author offers evidence to support the argument that A-bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki not in order to end the war, but for the U.S. to predominate over the U.S.S.R. after World War II.


Robert L. Jackson, ed./ Copies of Translated Japanese Reports Regarding Medical Effects of the Atomic Bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Washington D.C./ United States Atomic Energy Commission, 1965.
This collection of papers by Japanese physicians and scientists concerning effects of the A-bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki was declassified by the U.S. government in 1965. The collection reports the details of major investigations which were done by researchers from five universities through December, 1945.


Giovanitti, Len, and Fred Freed/ The Decision to Drop the Bomb/ New York/ Coward-McCann, 1965.
This is a history of World War II, especially about the development and use of the A-bombs. The story ends with Japan's surrender.
L・ギオワニティ、F・リード『世紀の黒い霧― 原爆投下への道程』(原書房1972年)


Proceedings of the 7th Meeting of the Research Society for the Late Effects of the Atomic Bombs: Summary of Studies in the Past 20 Years 1965/ Hiroshima/ Research Society for the Late Effects of the Atomic Bombs, 1965.
The seventh meeting of this research society was held on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of the atomic bombing to review the general conditions, symptoms and treatment of the survivors of the bombing who were studied in various fields for the preceding 20 years.


Lifton, Robert J./ Death in Life/ New York/ Random House, 1967. New York/ Basic Books, 1967. London/ Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1968. New York/ Vintage Books, 1969. Harmondsworth/ Penguin, 1971. Chapel Hill/ University of North Carolina Press, 1991.
The author, an American psychiatrist, interviews A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima. The book deals insightfully with the survivors' struggle. It has also been published by Pelican Books, and the Japanese edition, Shi no Naka no Seimei, was issued by the Asahi Shimbun Co.
ロバート・J・リフトン『死の内の生命― ヒロシマの生存者』(朝日新聞社1971年)
米国の精神医学者が被爆者との面接をとおして、その深層心理を洞察。出版されるや大きな反響を呼んだ。A Pelican Book, VK版 (1971年) もある。


Marx, Joseph L./ Seven Hours to Zero/ New York/ Putnam, 1967.
This publication records the accounts of the twelve men aboard the Enola Gay, the plane that carried the bomb to Hiroshima. The author reports on their behavior just before and after the bombing, and their lives during the postwar days.
ジョセフ・マークス『ヒロシマヘの七時間:原爆を運んだ12人の記録』(日本経済新聞社 1968年)


Marx, Joseph L./ Nagasaki: The Necessary Bomb?/ New York/ Macmillan, 1971.
The author questions readers about whether or not the second A-bomb attack on Nagasaki was necessary. This book is a documentary report on the situation in Japan from August 6th to 15th, 1945.


Shimizu, Kiyoshi/ Epidemiological Study on Lung Cancer among Atomic Bomb Survivors in Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima University School of Medicine, 1967.
This is an excerpt from Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences Vo1. 16, No 3, 4, December, 1967, published by the Hiroshima University School of Medicine. The excerpt explains through epidemiological research of 81 A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima who suffered from lung cancer, the long-term effects of radiation exposure from the atomic bomb.


Shimizu, Kiyoshi/ An Epidemiological Study on Leukemia in Survivors Exposed to the Atomic Bomb in Childhood in Hiroshima (part 1)/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima University School of Medicine, 1968.
This is an excerpt of an epidemiological research study from Hiroshima Journal of Medical Sciences. Vol. 17, No 3, September, 1968. The study researches the incidences of leukemia cases by sexes, ages and the distances from the hypocenter of 81 Hiroshima A-bomb survivors during the years 1957-1966.


World Friendship Center, ed./ World Friendship Center/ Hiroshima/ World Friendship Center, 1967.
This booklet explains the purpose of the center which was established in 1965, and its activities including regularly scheduled activities, services to the community, and special events sponsored by the center.


Imahori, Seiji, Tsuruji Kotani, and Naomi Shohno/ Hiroshima: Steps toward Peace/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Center, 1969.
This is a postwar history of Hiroshima with emphasis on relief activities for survivors, cultural and social activities by citizens, and three antinuclear groups.


Burchett, Wilfred/ Passport: An Autobiography/ Melbourne/ Thomas Nelson, 1970.
This is a documentary reminiscence by an Australian reporter who entered Hiroshima on September 3, 1945 and first reported the devastation to the world. He also covered the Korean War and the Vietnam War, denouncing the U.S. policy in Asia. Chapter 16 contains his Hiroshima report after the bombing.
ウィルフレッド・バーチェット『広島・板門店・ハノイーバーチェット自伝』(河出書房新社 1972年)


Burchett, Wilfred/ Shadow of Hiroshima/ London/ Verso, 1983.
This book is the author's comprehensive report including his return to Hiroshima to report the latest situation of the city in 1983.
ウィルフレッド・バーチェット『広島TODAY』(連合出版 1983年)が初版、後に英語版が出た。この本では、1982年の広島再訪で生存者のその後を調査し、今日のヒロシマも伝えている。


Chinnock, Frank W./ Nagasaki: The Forgotten Bomb/ New York/ World Pub. Co., 1969; London/ George Allen and Unwin LTD, 1970. 
The author wrote this nonfiction account based on over 2,000 experiences of those who went through the Nagasaki bombing, insisting that the second bomb dropped on Nagasaki has been forgotten by the world. A bibliography on A-bomb literature published from 1945 to 1967 is included.
フランクW. チンノック『ナガサキー忘れられた原爆』(新人物往来社 1971年)


Coffey, Thomas M./ Imperial Tragedy: Japan in World War II, the First Days and the Last/ New York/ The World Publishing Company, 1970.
This is a Japanese history during World War II, from Japan's entry into the war to her surrender. In Chapter II, titled “In August, 1945 the End of Tragedy”, the author reports about what happened in Hiroshima according to his interviews with military men and civilians.
トーマス・コッフイ『日本帝国の悲劇』(時事通信社 1971年)


Liebow, Averill A./ Encounter with Disaster: A Medical Diary of Hiroshima, 1945/ New York, Norton, 1970.
This diary from September 18 to December 6, 1945, provides a record of how the U.S.-Japan Joint Commission was formed and operated. It aims to give a detailed account of the aftermath of the bombing at Hiroshima with photographs of the survivors.


Rothermel, John E./ Hiroshima & Nagasaki from God’s Point of View/ New York/ Carlton Press, 1970.
The author was stationed at the camp from which the first A-bomb was transported to Hiroshima. This book relates his military and personal experiences in the United States during the last days of combat in the South Pacific and in newly-occupied Japan.


Toland, John/ The Rising Sun: The Decline and Fall of the Japanese Empire, 1936-1945/ New York/ Bantam Books, 1971.
This is a historical documentary of World War II from the Japanese point of view from 1936 to 1945, including the account of the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. A Random House edition was published in 1970.
ジョン・トーランド『大日本帝国の興亡』(毎日新聞社 1971年)


25th Anniversary of A-Bomb Day August, 1970/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Prefecture, 1971.
This pamphlet includes descriptions of the actual conditions of the damage of the A-bomb and the state of affairs concerning the care of sufferers of the effects of atomic bomb, as well as pictures of the city after the A-bombing and 25 years later.


Kosakai, Yoshiteru, et al./ A-Bomb: A City Tells Its Story/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1972.
This booklet is a translation of excerpts from Hiroshima Gembaku Sensaishi (Record of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb War Disaster).
今堀誠二・小谷鶴次・庄野直美著。小堺吉光編 広島平和文化センター発行。


The Pacific War Research Society/ The Day Man Lost, Hiroshima, 6 August, 1945/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1972.
The Japanese committee who authored this work drew on many sources, including diaries and personal reminiscences of Germans, Britons, Americans, and Japanese. The story of the A-bomb is told, beginning with its development in America, Germany, and Japan, starting from 1941 until the morning of August 6, 1945.


Editorial Committee of Teaching Materials for Peace Education, Hiroshima A-Bombed Teachers’ Association ed./ Let’s Cry for Peace: Materials for Self-Activity on Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Kyoiku-kaikan, 1973.
An English textbook, compiled by an A-bombed teachers' association, is intended for use in English classrooms in Japan from the eighth to tenth grades, which includes the accounts of four A-bomb survivors, the history of World War II and post war peace movements as well as poems and war protest songs from abroad.
中学2~ 3年と高校1年を対象とする英語授業用の自主教材。被爆者4人の体験記、原爆投下のいきさつ、戦後の平和運動の歴史、詩や海外の反戦歌などを紹介している。


The United States Strategic Bombing Survey/ The Effects of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ New Mexico/ William Gannon, 1973.
The United States Strategic Bombing Survey. The effects of atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Washington: Chairman's Office, 1946.
The William Gannon edition, published in 1973, is a republication of the edition that was published by the United States Government Printing Office in 1946.
合衆国戦略爆撃調査団総務部著 森祐二訳 『合衆国戦略爆撃調査団 広島、長崎に対する原子爆弾の効果』 広島平和文化センター、1987。


HIROSHIMA: For Teaching Materials of “A-Bomb”/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima A-Bombed Teachers’ Association, Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education, 1973. 
This English textbook is the translation of the Japanese first edition “HIROSHIMA”, issued in 1969, which includes accounts of A-bomb survivors, history of World War and postwar peace movements, and present-day situations of A-bomb survivors.


Compiled by Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education/ Peace Education Study 1975: Peace Education Curriculum, the Guidance of Self-Compilation, a Tentative Plan/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education, 1975.
This report was published on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the atomic bomb to appeal for systematic peace education.


United States Strategic Bombing Survey/ The Effects of the Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Santa Fe, N.M./ William Gannon, 1973.
This is a republication of the reports published by the United States Government Printing Office in 1946. This is one of the separate reports issued by the United States Strategic Bombing Survey requested by President Truman on 15 August, 1945. Its mission was to conduct a study of the effects of the U.S.'s air attack against Japan and to establish a basis for the future development of the U.S. armed forces.


Wilson, Jane, ed./ All in our Time: The Reminiscences of Twelve Nuclear Pioneers/ Chicago/ the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 1975.
This is a non-fiction story of twelve nuclear physicists' experiences from the 1930's to the first experimental testing at Alamogordo.
J・ウィルソン編『原爆をつくった科学者たち』(岩波書店 1990年)
(『われらの時代に起こったこと』岩波書店 1979年を改題) 原爆研究に従事した12人の科学者の現場での体験記録。1930年代の核物理学の研究から始まって、アラモゴードでの実験的テストで終わっている。


Hiroshima City, and Nagasaki City, ed./ To the United Nations 1976/ Hiroshima & Nagasaki/ Hiroshima-City & Nagasaki-City, 1976.
This document, including the pleas of the A-bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and its reference materials about the actual conditions of A-bomb damage in both cities, was submitted to the Secretary-General of the United Nations.


Auxier, John A./ Ichiban: Radiation Dosimetry for the Survivors of the Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Oak Ridge/ Tech. Info. Center, ERDA, 1977.
This is a chronological report concerning the immediate and long-term effects on the survivors of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings taken by the U.S. and Japan Joint Research Project. As of the data available in 1977, the reliable doses of radiation received by most of the individual survivors are recorded in this monograph.


Education for Peace: A Report on the Activity of H.I.P.E. 1977/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education, 1977.
The Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education was established in 1974 with the purpose of implementing structural and systematic peace education in schools. This booklet is a report about its activities and the history of the institute.


Compiled by the Nagasaki Preparatory Committee for NGO International Symposium on the Damage and After-Effects of the Atomic Bombing in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Report on the Damage and After-Effects of the Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki, 1945 - Nagasaki Report/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Association for Research and Dissemination of Hibakushas’ Problems, 1977.
The Nagasaki association issued this report to be offered to the NGO international symposium held in 1977, based on investigation from each field such as natural science, medical science, social science, peace education, as well as A-bomb survivors' testimonies and their realities.


Glasstone, Samuel and Dolan, Philip J./ The Effects of Nuclear Weapons (3rd Ed.)/ Washington/ the U.S. Dept. of Defense and ERDA, U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1977.
This is a complete book on the effects of the A-bombs published by the U.S. government, a revision of The Effects of Nuclear Weapons, 1957. In the first edition, which was published in 1950, the explosive energy of the atomic bombings was reported to have been equivalent to some thousands of tons (i.e., ki1otons) of TNT. The 1977 edition reports that the explosive energy yields up to the equivalent of 20 megatons of TNT, a description which many books have referred to.


Compiled by Lammars, Wayne P., and Osamu Masaoka/ Japanese A-Bomb Literature: An Annotated Bibliography/ Wilmington, Ohio/ Translation Collective, Wilmington College Peace Resource Center, 1977.
The Hiroshima/ Nagasaki Memorial Collection of the Wilmington College Peace Resource Center is the most extensive collection of books relating to the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki outside of Japan.


Thomas, Gordon, and Max M. Witts/ Ruin from the Air: The Atomic Mission to Hiroshima/ London/ Hamish Hamilton, 1977.
Thomas, Gordon, and Max M. Witts/ Enola Gay/ New York Pocket Books Inc., 1978.
These documentaries reflect the views of people involved in the dropping of the A-bombs, based on many sources, including interviews conducted both in the United States and Japan.
ゴードン・トマス、マックス・モーガン・ウイッツ『エノラ・ゲイ―ドキュメント・原爆投下―』(テイービーエス。ブリタニカ 1980年)


International Symposium on the Damage and After-effects of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and Shoichiro Kawasaki/ A Call from Hibakusha of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ Asahi Evening News, 1978.
This is the proceedings of an international symposium on the damage and aftereffects of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
日本準備委員会編『被爆の実相と被爆者の実情-1977NGO被爆問題シンポジウム報告書』 (朝日イブニングニュース社 1978年)


Nagasaki Association for Research and Dissemination of Hibakushas’ Problems, ed./ Report from Nagasaki: On the Damage and After-Effects of the Atomic Bombing/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Association for Research and Dissemination of Hibakushas’ Problems, 1978.
An abbreviated version of the Report on the Damage and After-Effects of the Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki, 1945, revised in 1980.


Booth, Arthur, ed./ Atomic Bombs and Human Beings/ London/ Quaker Peace & Service, Friends House, 1980.
This book with a foreword, “Let's Choose Disarmament,” by Philip Noel Baker, is about the historical evidence of what atomic bombs do to people, how Japanese A-bomb sufferers have been treated, and what people should do regarding nuclear weapons. In the conclusion, the author says, “We are Hibakusha now,” which was his remark in his opening speech at the International Symposium on the Damage and After-effects of the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1977. Arthur Booth chaired this international symposium.
アーサー・ブースは、被爆の実相、被爆者の実情、人類生存と原爆について語っている。結論部分で「我々はみなヒバクシャ」と表現。これは筆者が議長を務めたNGO被爆問題シンポジウム開会式 (1977年に日本で開催) での発言でもある。フイリップ・ノエルベーカーによる序文がある。


From the Arrival of European Culture to the Atomic Bomb/ Nagasaki/ Culture Department of the Education Board, Nagasaki City, 1980.
When the “Paris-Japan Culture Festival” was held at the headquarters of UNESCO in 1976, about one hundred photos, entitled “From Southern Barbarians to the Atomic Bomb,” were exhibited. This book includes the photos which show the passage of time in Nagasaki city.
日・仏。英の3カ国語説明文付き。日本語題名は『南蛮渡来から原爆まで』(長崎市教育委員会 1980年)。1976年ユネスコ本部での「パリ日本文化祭」で写真展を開催。その時に展示した100余点を収録している。


Hiroshima: Living in this Nuclear Age/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education, 1980.
This book was issued as curriculum material for peace education in English for senior high students.


Kosakai, Yoshiteru/ Hiroshima Peace Reader/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1980.
This book briefly describes the history of Hiroshima, the atomic bomb dropped on the city, and the historical background of the Peace Memorial Park as well as its monuments.


A Standard Curriculum for Peace Education-Draft/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Institute for Peace Education, 1980.
This draft of a proposal for “peace education” at the preschool, elementary, and junior high school 1evels can be ordered from the publisher.


Tange, Kenzo/ Hiroshima Peace Center and Kenzo Tange/ Tokyo/ Sanyusha Shuppan, 1980.
This book contains a selection of papers in Japanese and English by the architect Kenzo Tange on the Cenotaph, Peace Memorial Museum, Peace Memorial Hall, and Peace Memorial Park. The papers were written when construction was underway, and the book includes photographs of his work.


The City of Hiroshima/ Welcoming Ceremony for His Holiness Pope John Paul II/ The City of Hiroshima, 1981.
This booklet contains the welcoming address by Takeshi Araki, the then Mayor of Hiroshima City, and an appeal for peace by Pope John Paul II. His first remarks “War is the work of man.” has been quoted often since this occasion.


City of Hiroshima and the United Nations University, Tokyo/ Address by Pope John Paul II on “Technology, Society and Peace” 25 February, 1981, in Hiroshima/ 1981.
In this address, Pope John Paul II insists on the importance of morality which can be attained by harmonizing the values of science and the efforts of human consciences. He gives priority to ethics over technology.


Marx, George, ed./ Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Power: Seminar on the Teaching of Physics in Schools at the Balaton, 6th to 12th September, 1981/ Budapest/ GIREP ‘81 Conference, 1981.
The proceedings of the GIREP (International Research Group on Physics Teaching) conference ‘81 includes messages by Takeshi Araki, the then mayor of Hiroshima, and by Sakae Shimizu, physicist at the Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research, entitled, “The Message of Hiroshima: Recollections and Reflections of a Nuclear Physicist.” His message contains details from during the war and from a field survey taken immediately after the Hiroshima atomic bombing.


Record of the Workshop on Disarmament and International Security/ Hiroshima/ The City of Hiroshima, Hiroshima University and the United Nations University, 1981.
This record of the Hiroshima Session held in 1981, inviting the Palme Commission, with Olof Palme as a chairperson, contains explanations about the medical and social effects of the A-bombings and testimonies of four A-bomb survivors, including Dr. Tatsuichiro Akizuki (Nagasaki), and Yoshito Matsushige (Hiroshima), as well as addresses and discussions.
パルメ委員会を招いて広島で開かれたワークショップの記録。原爆の医学的、社会的影響に関する報告、秋月辰一郎 (長崎) や松重美人 (広島) ら被爆者の証言が含まれている。


Summary of the Discussion: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Hall 19 October, 1981/ Hiroshima/ Editorial Committee of the Symposium, Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1981.
This booklet summarizes the symposium of those engaged in peace research on the significance of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the field of global demilitarization, which was held at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Hall on 19 October, 1981.


The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings/ London, Hutchinson & Co. Ltd., 1981.
This book contains scientific essays on the damage caused by the atomic bombings.
原爆の災害を報告する学術的論考を集大成した広島市長崎市原爆災害誌編集委員会編『広島・長崎の原爆災害』(岩波書店 1975年)の英語版。


The Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ The Impact of the A-bomb: Hiroshima and Nagasaki 1945-1985/ Tokyo, Iwanami Shoten Publishers, 1985.
This is an abbreviated version of the main section of an earlier work, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The physical, Medical and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings. This volume adds some new material on the atomic bombings and their aftermaths. Suitable for the general reader.
『広島・長崎の原爆災害』(岩波書店 1975年)のダイジェスト版。一般向け。


Simpson, George E. and Neal R. Burger/ Fair Warning/ New York/ Delacorte Press, 1981.
This is a historical investigation of whether or not it would have been possible to prevent the dropping of the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
G. シンプソン、N. バーガー『原爆を投下させるな』(サンケイ出版 1981年)


The City of Hiroshima & the City of Nagasaki, ed./ Appeal from Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the Second Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ the City of Hiroshima & the City of Nagasaki, 1982.
This pamphlet, issued on the occasion of the opening of the Second Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly, contains appeals from the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and facts of the A-bombings such as details of physical destruction, medical effects, and the impact on society and daily life.


Hiroshima and Nagasaki through the Eyes of the American Reporters/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation, Inc., 1982.
The Akiba Project, which invites several American local newspaper reporters to Hiroshima and Nagasaki every year, began in 1979. This book contains articles written by the journalists after returning to the United States. Japanese translations are included at the end of the book.
広島国際文化財団発行(広島市中区土橋町 中国新聞社ビル)。年に1回米国人ジャーナリスト3人を、広島、長崎に招き、米国市民に直接リポートしてもらうというアキバプロジェクトは、1979年から始まった。この書は、帰国後発表された記事を収録し、巻末に和訳を付加している。


Japan Teachers Union, and the People’s Education Research Institute/ Teaching Materials for Peace Education: Theory and Practices/ Hiroshima/ Japan Teachers Union, 1982.
This booklet was submitted to the International Symposium on Disarmament Education held in Hiroshima city in 1982 by the Committee to Promote Peace Education established in 1979.


Shimizu, Sakae/ “Historical Sketch of the Scientific Field Survey in Hiroshima Several Days after the Atomic Bombing”/ Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University/ Kyoto/ Kyoto University, Vol. 60(2): 39-54, 1982.
This excerpt is a record of the first field survey (the party entered the city on August 9), the 2nd field survey (the party entered the city on August 12) and the tragedy of 3rd field survey party (3 members out of 80 were killed by a typhoon). It was written by one of the research members at Kyoto University. This paper includes four pictures of the destroyed area, the map used by the party, and the list of samples taken back to Kyoto for further research.


Sider, Ronald J., and Richard K. Taylor, eds./ Nuclear Holocaust & Christian Hope: A Book for Christian Peacemakers/ Downers Grove, Illinois/ InterVarsity Press, 1982.
This book discusses how Christians should respond to the threat of nuclear war. It includes references to the destruction of Hiroshima with photos of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings.


Wallis, Jim, ed./ Waging Peace: A Handbook for the Struggle to Abolish Nuclear Weapons/ San Francisco/ Harper & Row, 1982.
This book presents testimonies, such as an account written by Akihiro Takahashi, former director of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, titled “The Day the Bomb Hit: A Hiroshima A-bomb Survivor Remembers,” to express the necessity for the religious community to oppose nuclear war. Lists of U.S. peace organizations, research groups, books, audiovisual materials and a map showing nuclear facilities in the U.S. are included.
ジム・ウォーリス編『核戦争の裏にウソあり』(女子パウロ会 1985年)


Kelen, Stephen/ I Remember Hiroshima/ Sydney/ Hale & Iremonger, 1983.
In 1946, the author was posted to Japan as a member of the British Commonwealth Occupation Forces. He spent more than three years in and around Hiroshima writing about and photographing the devastation. His story is accompanied by the unique collection of photographs he took.


Loewe, William/ Initial Radiation Dosimetry at Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ University of California, 1983.
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Little Boy Replica Conference held by Los Alamos National Laboratory in 1983. The author maintains that A-bomb survivors' data are useful for setting radiation protection standards.


Solomon, Joan/ The Atomic Bomb/ Hatfield/ Association for Science Education, 1983.
This book tells the story of the A-bomb, starting from the early discoveries in nuclear physics to the tragic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to present-day problems and fears about nuclear warfare.


US-Japan Joint Workshop for Reassessment of Atomic Bomb Radiation Dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Hiroshima/ The Radiation Effects Research Foundation, 1983.
Proceedings of a workshop held in Nagasaki, Japan, on 16-17 February, 1983 which was sponsored by Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), a cooperative Japan-U.S. research organization, formerly called Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC). Ten scientists and forty experts from various fields in Japan met with the goal of radiation dosimetry reassessment, a fundamental issue of importance to many fields of science.
日米共同組織の放射線影響研究所 (元ABCC) が主催した被爆線量に関するワークショップの報告書。あらゆる研究の基礎となる被爆線量の再査定が開催目的であった。


Claypool, Jane/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ New York/ F. Watts. 1984.
This book discusses the creation and the development of A-bombs from the Manhattan Project through the decision to use the bombs which destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki to the aftermath of the attacks. The author concludes that humanity faces the greatest question it has ever faced, whether it will use the new and terrible weapons to destroy the earth.


Durand, Andre/ From Sarajevo to Hiroshima: History of the International Committee of the Red Cross/ Geneva/ Henry Dunant Institute, 1984.
This book is a detailed account of the activities of the Red Cross, an institution formed to protect people in areas where armed conflicts are taking place, during the 34 years from 1911, in the Tripolitania War, to 1945, in Hiroshima. The author emphasizes the necessity of promoting humanitarian law.


Ito, Narihiko, Fujihiko Komura, and Sadao Kamata/ Literature Under the Nuclear Cloud/ Tokyo/ Sanyusha Shuppan, 1984.
This book includes reports from the Hiroshima International Conference of Asian Writers, held on July 28-30, 1983, in the city of Hiroshima. Approximately one hundred writers from fifteen different nations participated.
アジア文学者ヒロシマ会議実行委員会編集『核 貧困 抑圧―'83アジア文学者ヒロシマ会議報告』(ほるぷ出版 1984年)


The Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church, the American Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Church in America/ Peace Education Team Report May 15 - June 19, 1984/ The Committee for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament/ Fukuyama-City, 1984.
This is the report of the JELC Peace Education Team, whose members visited the U.S. and Canada from May 15 to June 19, 1984. This booklet includes essays about the journey, itinerary of the team, presentations of the team, as well as American newspaper articles about their visits.


Terkel, Studs/ The Good War: An Oral History of World War Two/ New York/ Pantheon, 1984.
This is a collection of testimonies by those who experienced World War II on different positions, including a nuclear physicist of the Manhattan project, a chemical engineer at the U.S. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and some veterans who were involved in the A-bombings and nuclear test in Bikini Atoll. This book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1985.
スタッズ・ターケル『よい戦争』(晶文社 1985年)


Wyden, Peter/ Day One: Before Hiroshima and After/ New York/ Simon and Schuster, 1984.
The author, a former Washington correspondent for Newsweek and executive editor of Ladies Home Journal, writes on the nuclear issue from scientific, political, moral, military, and broader human perspectives.


Cheshire, Leonard/ The Light of Many Suns: The Meaning of the Bomb/ London/ Methuen, 1985.
The author was a colonel in the U.K. Air Force who worked as a military observer at the time of the Nagasaki bombing.


Chisholm, Ann/ Faces of Hiroshima: A Report / London/ Jonathan Cape, 1985.
This is a personal investigation of the Hiroshima Maidens' story written by a journalist and regular contributor to The Observer. Ten years after the bombing, Norman Cousins initiated a project to help scarred young women to undergo free plastic surgery operations in the U.S.


Clark, Ian/ Nuclear Past, Nuclear Present: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Contemporary Strategy/ Boulder, Colorado/ Westview Press, 1985.
The author maintains that the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki led to a rapid termination of the war, and discusses the possibility of using nuclear weapons for limited nuclear war.


Devotion of Hiroshima to the Cause of Peace/ _**Hiroshima City, 1985.
This booklet is about the measures for peace taken by the Hiroshima city authorities, such as the promotion of public concern for peace, peace education, and implementation of health examinations for the A-bomb survivors abroad, such as in the U.S. and the Republic of Korea.


The First 10 Years 1975 – 1985**_/ Hiroshima/ Radiation Effects Research Foundation, 1985.
This publication lists the chronology of events of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) from February, 1969 until January, 1985. RERF was originally established as the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC) by the U.S. Government in 1947, but was converted to a foundation of equal partnership between the U.S. and Japanese Governments with the aim of conducting research on A-bomb survivors in 1969. The history of ABCC is also included in this publication.


Fisher, Phyllis K./ Los Alamos Experience/ Tokyo/ Japan Publications Inc., 1985.
This is a personal account by a scientist's wife who lived in Los Alamos during the development of atomic bombs. The story starts with her visit to Hiroshima thirty-four years after the bombing.
フィリス・K. フィッシャー『ロスアラモスからヒロシマヘ―米原爆開発科学者の妻の手記―』(時事通信社 1986年)


Harper, Stephen/ Miracle of Deliverance: The Case for the Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/
London/ Sidgwick & Jackson, 1985.
The author maintains that using the A-bombs was unavoidable from a military point of view, calling the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki a “miracle of deliverance,” which was taken from Winston Churchill's expression when he heard of the news.


Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace/ Hiroshima Handbook/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima- Nagasaki Peace Foundation, 1985.
This handbook contains information concerning the A-bomb as well as a Japanese-English word list, with words related to the atomic bombing and to its survivors. Designed to assist in Japanese-English interpretation, it is also useful for foreign visitors to Hiroshima.
広島・長崎平和基金発行。平和のための広島通訳者グループ編 (HIP)。日英対訳による被爆関連用語と情報を掲載。広島での通訳者、海外からの来訪者に役立つガイドブック。


Malcolmson, Robert W./ Nuclear Fallacies: How We Have Been Misguided since Hiroshima/ Kingston/ McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1985.
The author, who teaches history at Queen's University, Ontario, explores broadly accepted myths such as the military's unwillingness to commit nuclear war, deterrence as an effective strategy, and effects of the U.S.'s superiority in the Cold War. The author writes from a new perspective gained in light of the Hiroshima bombing.


McPhillips, Martin/ Hiroshima/ Morristown, N.J./ Silver Burdett Co., 1985.
This book in the series entitled “Turning Points in American History,” traces the development of the A-bomb, the decision to use it, the devastation in Hiroshima and the aftermath of the bombing with many photographs, maps, and diagrams.


Peace Declaration: Delivered by Mayors of Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1985.
This is a collection of peace declarations, as delivered by successive mayors of Hiroshima at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony.


Pringle, Laurence/ Nuclear War: From Hiroshima to Nuclear Winter/ Hillside, N.J./ Enslow Publishers, 1985.
A former editor of Nature and Science reviews the history of nuclear weapons from Einstein's report in 1905 to the present situation created by the arms race. Referring to the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the author predicts what may happen if another nuclear war should take place and insists that we should not let it happen again.


Public Information Section, General Affairs Division, Nagasaki City Hall ed./ Nagasaki ‘85: ながさき被爆40周年/ Nagasaki/ City of Nagasaki, 1985.
This book, published to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the A-bombing in Nagasaki, introduces the history of the city, with its role as Japanese front door for foreign culture, the facts of the atomic bomb, and today's Nagasaki.
長崎市総務部広報課編集『ながさき被爆40周年』(長崎市 1985年)


Rosenblatt, Roger/ Witness: The World since Hiroshima/ New York/ Little Brown & Company, 1985.
This is a collection of interviews with the former U.S. President Richard Nixon, Yoshitaka Kawamoto (the then director of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum), and Harold Agnew, a nuclear scientist.
ロジャー・ ローゼンブラット『わたしは核を見た一核時代の証言―』(草思社1986年)


The Third Hiroshima Peace Seminar: May 1-4, 1985 Kenmin Culture Center, Hiroshima City/ Hiroshima/ The Japan Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Committee Peace and Nuclear Disarmament and the Japan Theological College & Seminary, 1985.
In the four-day seminar held on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the bombings, 65 participants gathered to discuss the need for grassroots study of concrete actions Christians can do in the pursuit of peace among nations.


Tibbets, Paul W. Jr. with Clair Stebbins and Harry Franken/ Mission: Hiroshima/ New York/ Stein and Day, 1985.
Colonel Paul Tibbets, the commander of the Enola Gay, the bomber which carried the atomic bomb to Hiroshima, relates his account of the mission.


The Tolling Bells of Hiroshima/ the Soviet Union/ Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1985. 
This English booklet, published in the Soviet Union, explains the Soviet's endeavor for world peace and Hiroshima's role for reducing international tensions.


Compiled by Urabe, Tatsuo, Akiumi Hasegawa, and Yasuo Shimizu/ Lessons from Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Hiroshima/ SCOPE-ENUWAR, 1985. 
This book contains basic data of medical, psychological, and social damages done on Hiroshima and Nagasaki as well as a list of 1,106 research papers at the end of the book. This report was published as one of the Environmental Consequences of Nuclear War (ENUWAR) projects of the Scientific Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE).
医学、心理学、社会学の分野から広島・長崎の被害を報告。巻末に1985年までに出版された1106点の原爆症に関する医学論文リストを付けている。国際研究団体である環境問題科学委員会 (SCOPE) の核戦争の環境的帰結 (ENUWAR) 研究プロジェクトとして出版された。


Warrebey, Glenn Van/ Looking Up, Looking Down: The Psychology of the A-Bombers and Survivors of Hiroshima/ Pennsylvania/ Apollo Books, 1985.
This is a report by a psychiatrist who interviewed the A-bomb survivors and the soldiers who dropped the bombs. This book was compiled on the occasion of 40th anniversary.
G. V. ウォレビー『閃光を見た人びと』 (新泉社 1985年)


Brow, Monica/ The Atomic Bomb Suppressed: American Censorship in Occupied Japan/ Sweden/ Liber International, 1986. Armonk, N.Y. M.E./ Sharpe, 1991.
This is a comprehensive research on censorship in Japan under the American Occupation written by a Swedish journalist, who interviewed A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1978 and collected information in the archives on the Occupation of Japan and the records of the Allied Forces in the U.S.
モニカ・ブラウ『検閲1945-1949-禁じられた原爆報道―』(時事通信社 1987年)


Kurzman, Dan/ Day of the Bomb: Countdown to Hiroshima/ New York/ McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1986.
This history book is about the decision to drop the A-bomb on Japan, based on many documents and interviews with Japanese and Americans concerned.


MacPherson, Malcolm C./ Time Bomb: Fermi, Heisenberg, and the Race for the Atomic Bomb/ New York/ E.P. Dutton, 1986.
This book is a nonfiction account about the race to create an atomic bomb between two Nobel laureates: Fermi, who worked for the U.S., and Heisenberg, who served the Nazis.


Montgomery, John D./ Aftermath: Tarnished Outcomes of American Foreign Policy/ Dover, Mass./ Auburn House Publishing Company, 1986.
The author stayed in Hiroshima from spring to August in 1946 as an advisor to the Allied Powers. In the first chapter, he describes the reconstruction work in Hiroshima one year after the devastation.
ジョン・D・モンゴメリー『ヒロシマ・ベトナム・核―戦後アメリカ外交は成功したか?』(第三文明社 1986年)


Rhodes, Richard/ The Making of the Atomic Bomb/ New York/ Simon & Schuster, 1986.
This document gives political and scientific detail of how the A-bomb was developed, from its discovery to the dropping of the first bombs on Japan.
リチヤード・ローズ『原子爆弾の誕生―科学と国際政治の世界史―上下』(啓学出版 1993年)


The Secretariat Office, 1st World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity ed./ 1st World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, et al., 1986.
This is the proceedings of the 1st World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki August 5-9, 1985, with delegates from 100 cities in 23 countries. Takeshi Araki, the then mayor of Hiroshima, suggested this meeting on the occasion of the 2nd Special Session of the U.N. General Assembly Devoted to Disarmament in 1982, during which the host cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, made an appeal for a commitment for peace to 230 cities in the world. The 5th conference was held in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August, 2001. Mayors from 531 cities in 105 countries joined this project.


The Secretariat Office, 2nd World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity ed./ 2nd World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity/ Hiroshima/ The Secretariat Office, World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity, c/o Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1989.
This is the proceedings of the 2nd World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity held on August 4-9, 1989, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with delegates from l19 cities in 27 countries.


The Secretariat Office, 3rd World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity ed./ The Role of Cities in Building Peace: Toward the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons: 3rd World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity/ Hiroshima/ The Secretariat Office, World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity, c/o Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1993.
This is the proceedings of the 3rd World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity held on August 4-9, 1993, in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with delegates from 122 cities in 38 countries.


The Secretariat Office, 4th World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity ed./ Peace, Justice and Freedom: Efforts toward Global Harmony: Proceedings of the 4th World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity August 4-9, 1997/ Hiroshima/ The Secretariat Office, World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity, c/o Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1998.
This is the proceedings of the 4th World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity held on August 4 to 9, 1997, in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki attended by representatives of l17 cities from 33 countries.


The Secretariat Office, 5th World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity ed./ In
Order for Humankind to Live through the 21st Century: Toward Reconciliation between Humankind and Science and Technology: Proceedings of the 5th World Conference of Mayors for Peace
/ Hiroshima/ The Secretariat Office, World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity, c/o Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 2002.
This is the proceedings of the 5th World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity held on August 4 to 9, 2001, in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki attended by 200 people representing 105 cities and two NGOs in 28 countries.


Shimizu, Kiyoshi/ Guidance of the A-Bomb Scars: Appeal for Peace-Keeping-1986/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1986.
The author, a doctor and then director of the Hiroshima A-Bomb Victims Nursing Home, writes about somatic effects of the A-bomb, the survivors relief activities, as well as social and historical issues of survivors.


Shohno, Naomi/ The Legacy of Hiroshima/ Tokyo, Kosei Publishing Co., 1986.
This book serves as a first step in nuclear issues including the postwar development of nuclear weapons as well as the physical, mental, and social aftereffects that tormented the survivors.
庄野直美『広島は昔話か一原水爆の写真と記録一』(新潮社 1984年)


Delhi Science Forum/ Darkness of a Thousand Suns: An Illustrated Account of the Causes, Complexion and Consequences of the Nuclear Arms Race/ Madras/ National Organizing Committee, 1987.
This account was issued by the Department of Science & Technology of the Government of India. It includes facts about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings and pictures drawn by survivors. This book explains the past and present nuclear situations in the world, insisting that removing the threat of a nuclear war is a most urgent task.


Nakai, Yoshiyuki, ed./ Hiroshima: We Made the Decision/ Tokyo/ Sanyusha, 1987.
This book contains four major articles concerning the decisions to use the A-bomb, including “Year of Decisions” by Henry S. Truman. This book was compiled to be used as an English textbook at the university level in Japan.
中井義幸編注 三修社。米国の大学の政治学教材として編集された広島、長崎原爆投下決定に関する資料集の抜粋。特にトルーマンの「決定の年」など、重要な文献4編を集めて、日本の大学の教養課程の英語教材として編集した。


Roesch, William C., ed./ US-Japan Joint Reassessment of Atomic Bomb Radiation Dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki - Final Report- Volume 1 & 2/ Hiroshima/ The Editorial Office, Radiation Effects Research Foundation, 1987.
This is the final report on A-bomb radiation dosimetry in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by a joint United States-Japan research organization, the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF, formerly ABCC) established in 1975.


Sherwin, Martin J./ A World Destroyed: Hiroshima and the Origins of the Arms Race/ with a new introduction by the author/ New York/ Vintage Books, ed., 1987.
A revised edition of A World Destroyed: The Atomic Bomb and the Grand Alliance / Knopf: distributed by Random House, 1975. This is a detailed account on U.S. foreign relations from World War II to the cold war. The author maintains that Hiroshima and Nagasaki became symbols of a new American barbarism as American-Soviet relations deteriorated. He says that Hiroshima marked a beginning, not an end, of the nuclear arms race and the possible extinction of the human race.
マーテイン・J・シャーウイン『破減への道程―原爆と第二次世界大戦』(ティービーエス・ブリタニカ 1978年)


York, Herbert F./ Making Weapons, Talking Peace: A Physicist’s Odyssey from Hiroshima to Geneva/ New York/ Basic Books, Inc., 1987.
This is a memoir of a scientist who joined the Manhattan Project to work on the Hiroshima bomb and served as Jimmy Carter's chief negotiator at the Comprehensive Test Ban Talks in Geneva.


Department for Disarmament Affairs of the United Nations/ The Non-Governmental Voice at the United Nations Third Special Session on Disarmament: New York, 31 May - 25 June, 1988/ New York/ Department for Disarmament Affairs of the United Nations, 1988.
This book is a collection of 120 oral presentations given on behalf of various non-governmental organizations at the 3rd special session of the General Assembly held in NY in 1988. The NGO speakers included nine Japanese speakers such as the mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Sakae Ito, a member of the Japan Congress against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs, and others.


Imada, Tadanobu/ Study on Horses with A-Bomb Disease/ Hiroshima/ The Editorial Committee of Study on Horses with A-Bomb Disease, private publication, 1988.
This paper of a clinical study on horses with A-bomb disease was presented at the 20th World Veterinary Congress in Greece. As Hiroshima was a military center, a large number of troops and horses were deployed there and 520 horses in Hiroshima were exposed to the A-bomb.


New Dosimetry at Hiroshima and Nagasaki and Its Implications for Risk Estimates: Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual Meeting, 8-9 April, 1987, as Presented at the Auditorium of the National Academy of Sciences Building/ Bethesda, MD/ National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements, 1988.
The theme of this meeting was limited to the topic of the new dosimetry system used to analyze the atomic bomb survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (DS86). The proceedings also includes the historical review of Japanese investigative teams, which started two days after the Hiroshima bombing, as reported by Tatsuji Hamada of the Japan Radioisotope Association.


Perlman, Michael/ Imaginal Memory and the Place of Hiroshima/ New York/ State University of New York Press, 1988.
The author, a counselor at a hospital, argues that remembering the place of Hiroshima enables us to have basic images of the nuclear age, which is crucial to a deeper commitment to disarmament and to a healthy psychological life in general.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum/ A Brief Summary of the Atomic Bombing and its Effects/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 1989.
This booklet contains a brief story of what happened in Hiroshima, from the flight of the B-29 Bomber to the city through the atomic bombing to the aftereffects on survivors, as well as the introduction to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.


Ishii, Sonoko, ed./ Peace Organizations in Hiroshima/ private publication, 1989.
The copies of this booklet, containing a list of over thirty peace organizations in Japan, were distributed to the delegates of the Congress of International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War held in Hiroshima in 1989.
30の平和団体を紹介した小冊子。1989年広島で開催された第9回核戦争防止国際医師会議 (IPPNW) の参加者に配布した。


Kodama, Katsuya ed./ The Future of the Peace Movements/ Lund/ Lund University Press, 1989.
This is a collection of six research papers on peace movements. Two Japanese researchers' papers are included: Shingo Shibata, “Sociological Implications of Hiroshima and the Anti-Nuclear Weapons Movement”, and Katsuya Kodama, “The Peace Movements for the Future: From a Survey on Swedish Peace Movements.” A bibliography of literature surveys on peace movement studies is appended.


Ogawa, Arata/ A-bomb Radiation Disease and Folk Remedies: Wisdom of Folkway/ Hiroshima/ privately published on an occasion of IPPNW Ninth Congress in Hiroshima. October 7-10, 1989.
In this booklet, a doctor in Hiroshima proves the effectiveness of folk medicines on which A-bomb survivors depended due to the lack of medical supplies after the A-bomb blast.
原爆投下後、医療品の不足で被爆者は薬草などの民間医療に頼らざるを得なかつた。この小冊子では、その効果を医師が証言する。第9回核戦争防止国際医師会議 (IPPNW) が広島で開かれたのを機会に出版された。


Nagataki, Shigenobu/ Radiation and the Thyroid/ Amsterdam/ Excerpta Medica, 1989.
This is the proceedings of the 27th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Nuclear Medicine Society held in Nagasaki, Japan on October l-3, 1987. This paper reports on the disorders suffered by the A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the residents of the Marshall Islands and Chernobyl who were exposed to radiation, and reveals the thyroid disorder that they both have in common for the first time.


The National Film Board of Canada, Pacific Center, ed./ Alive in the Nuclear Age/ Montreal, QC/ The National Film Board of Canada, Pacific Center, 1989. 
This is a teachers' guide to a video anthology of short programs about nuclear issues, designed for use by students from ages 11 to 16. One of the programs titled “No More Hiroshima,” contains two personal stories told by survivors of the A-bombing of Hiroshima, and their plea for peace.


The City of Hiroshima, ed./ A Collection of Messages by Distinguished Visitors to Hiroshima 1949-1990/ Hiroshima/ The City of Hiroshima, 1990.
A collection of speeches and remarks given by 15 foreign visitors including political leaders such as Jawaharlal Nehru, the first Prime Minister of Independent India, who visited Hiroshima in 1957.


Kobayashi, Sadayoshi, Masafumi Uchiyama, and Hiromichi Matsudaira/ Health Effects of Atomic Radiation: Hiroshima Nagasaki, Lucky Dragon, Techa River, and Chernobyl: Proceedings of Japan-USSR Seminar on Radiation Effects Research, June 25-29, 1990 Tokyo/ Chiba/ National Institute of Radiological Sciences, 1990.
This is a report of a joint seminar to discuss and exchange information on the health and environmental effects of ionizing radiation with emphasis placed on the results of the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and nuclear accidents in the USSR. This report includes twenty-eight papers presented in the seminar's eight sessions.


Kodama, Katsuya, and Unto Vesa/ Towards a Comparative Analysis of Peace Movements/ Aldershot, Hants, England/ Dartmouth Publishing Company, 1990.
This is a collection of 17 papers presented at the Lund conference on the study of peace movements held in Sweden on August 17-20, 1987. Two papers about the Japanese peace movement by Ohtori Kurino and Katsuya Kodama are included.


Schull, William J./ Song among the Ruins/ Cambridge, Mass./ Harvard University Press, 1990.
This is a document on the occupation days and Japan's resurgence after the war, written by an American scientist who worked for the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission.
ABCC (現・放射線影響研究所)で研究活動した米国人科学者ウィリアム・シャルによる日本の占領下時代、戦後復興期の記録。


Appeals from Nagasaki: On the Occasion of SSD II and Related Events/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Association for Research and Dissemination of Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Problems, 1991.
This book includes appeals by A-bomb survivors, including Senji Yamaguchi, Chieko Watanabe, the then mayor Hitoshi Motoshima, and Dr. Tatsuichiro Akizuki.


Cheshire, Leonard, and interview by Alenka Lawrence/ Where is God in All This?/ London/ St. Paul Publications, 1991. 
This book is based on an interview with a British bomber pilot who observed the dropping of the A-bomb on Nagasaki. He talks about his post-war life dedicated to charitable work and his Catholic faith.


Field, Norma/ In the Realm of a Dying Emperor: A Portrait of Japan at Century’s End/ New York/ Pantheon Books, 1991.
The author, born to a Japanese mother and an American father, describes three Japanese resisters against the emperor system, including Hitoshi Motoshima, then mayor of Nagasaki, whose comments about the emperor's war guilt caused a nationwide dispute and led to an attempt to assassinate him.
ノーマ・フイールド『天皇の逝く国で』(みすず書房 1994年)


Neel, James V. and William J. Schull, eds./ The Children of Atomic Bomb Survivors: A Genetic Study/ Washington D. C./ National Academy Press, 1991.
This is a collection of 13 papers, compiled by the National Academy of Sciences- National Research Council in the U.S., which discuss whether the mutations induced in the cells of persons exposed to radiation can affect their yet-to-be-born children. The researchers came to the conclusion that more than 45 years of research on the children of atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki shows that the genetic risks of radiation are less than what they expected.


Quigley, Martin S./ Peace without Hiroshima: Secret Action at the Vatican in the Spring of 1945/ New York/ Madison Books, 1991.
This is a story of an effort for peace initiated during World War II. After four decades, the governments of the US and Japan declassified the documents. The author was the principal initiator from the American side in trying to persuade the Japanese to surrender via communications through the Vatican. The author claims that if these efforts had been successful, all the horror of the atomic bombs and their subsequent effects on world history would have been avoided.
マーテイン・S・キグリー『バチカン発・和平工作電: ヒロシマは避けられたか』(朝日新聞社 1992年)


Shoji, Masako/ Peace Education: A Guide for Parents/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1991.
The author is an emeritus professor at Hiroshima University. She conveys that teaching methods of peace education can be adopted by parents to use for the child's development and moral education at home.
荘司雅子著、広島平和文化センター編『親と子のための平和教育』(平和文化センター 1982年)


Yokoro, Kenji, ed./ A Review of Forty Five Years Study of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Survivors/ Chiba, Japan/ The Japan Radiation Research Society, 1991, Vol. 32. Supplement, 1-412.
This report presents accurate, comprehensive information on the biological effects of radiation. It is the product of investigations by members of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (ABCC), the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), Hiroshima and Nagasaki Universities, and other institutions. These institutions and organizations have studied the effects of the A-bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki since 1945.


The Chugoku Newspaper/ Exposure: Victims of Radiation Speak out/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1992.
This is a report on cases of radioactive contamination from a1l over the world written by a team of journalists from the Hiroshima-based Chugoku Newspaper, which was awarded the Japan Newspaper Publishers and Editors Association prize in 1990.
中国新聞「ヒバクシャ」取材班編『世界のヒバクシャ』(講談社 1991年)


Mothersson, Keith/ From Hiroshima to The Hague: Guide to the World Court Project/ Geneva/ International Peace Bureau, 1992.
This guide explains the project's attempt to enforce international law with a specific emphasis on the ruling of the illegality of nuclear warfare. Also, it presents specific instructions about how supporters can reach out to politicians, lawyers, and citizens organizations to spread this campaign.


Duffy, Terrence/ “An Environment for Peace Education: The Peace Museum Idea”/ Peace Education Miniprints (No.48)/ Malmö, Sweden/ Published and distributed by the R & D Group “Preparedness for Peace” in Sweden, 1993. 
This paper introduces the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum as one of the examples of peace museums to create a culture of peace.


Egami, Yoshiro/ “Foreign Students from South East Asia and the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima”/ Regional Studies (Vol. 20, No. 2)/ Kagoshima/ Kagoshima Keizai University, 1993. 
The author researched the situation of foreign students in the aftermath of the atomic bombing through interviews with forty-three people.


Fasching, Darrell J./ The Ethical Challenge of Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Apocalypse or Utopia?/ New York/ State university of New York Press, 1993.
This is a critique based on theological ethics. The author maintains that Hiroshima symbolizes modern technology which was aimed at creating a utopia, but instead has led to an apocalypse. He also discusses the resulting globalization that forces a meeting of East and West and proposes the creation of a cross-cultural public order, symbolized in the phrase “unity-in-diversity.” In the epilogue, the author reflects on the role of religious studies including Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism.


Hershberg, James G./ James B. Conant: Harvard to Hiroshima and the Making of the Nuclear Age/ New York/ Knopf, 1993.
This is a critical biography of a scientist who was committed to building the atomic bomb and other nuclear weapons during the cold war due to the growing rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union. In the chapter titled “Shaping Hiroshima's Legacy,” the author explains the controversy concerning the decision to bomb Hiroshima after John Hersey's article appeared in The New Yorker magazine in 1946, and describes how James B. Conant was one of the initial members who promoted the justification for the Hiroshima bombing.


Hiroshima International Council for Medical Care of the Radiation-exposed ed./ A-Bomb Radiation Effects Digest/ Tokyo/ Bunkodo-Hardwood Academic Publishers, 1993.
This digest edition in English was published based on the Japanese edition published in 1992, a compilation detailing all the findings on the effects of radiation on the human body with graphs, charts and illustrations understandable by lay people.
放射線被曝者医療国際協力推進協議会編『原爆放射線の人体影響1992』(文光堂 1992年)の英文ダイジェスト版。一般の人にも分かるようにグラフ、表、図などを多用。


Kimura, Motoharu with John M. Carpenter/ Living with Nuclei: 50 Years in the Nuclear Age Memoirs of a Japanese Physicist/ Sendai/ Sasaki Printing and Publishing Co., ltd., 1993.
This is a translation of a Japanese nuclear physicist's semi-autobiography. He measured the radioactivity of Hiroshima and of human bones before the surrender. He devoted himself to efforts toward disarmament by lobbying U.S. senators.
木村一治『核と共に50年』(築地書館 1990年)
核物理学者木村一治の半世紀を英訳した。広島への原爆投下直後、日本が降伏する前の時期に広島市に入り、人骨や地上などでの放射能を測定した。米国の上院議員に陳情するなど、軍縮に向けての運動に尽力した。英訳されていないが、木村の死後妻がまとめた、木村正子『木村一治日記―ヒロシマ・ナガサキの原爆調査の記―』(私家版 1998年)もある。


The Nagasaki International Cultural Hall ed./ Nagasaki Speaks: A Record of the Atomic Bombing/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki International Culture Hall, 1993. 
This book contains the brief history of Nagasaki, including the history of World War II, the facts of the Nagasaki bombing and Nagasaki city's policy on peace issues. It contains a chronological table of the post-war history of Nagasaki at the end of the book.


Bjerstedt, Ake/ “Education for Peace: A Conference Report from Budapest”/ Peace Education Reports (No.10, February, 1994)/ Sweden/ Lund University, 1994.
This paper introduces peace museums in the world including the Hiroshima Peace Museum, and discusses the significance of them from an angle of peace education.


Dockrill, Saki, ed./ From Pearl Harbor to Hiroshima: The Second World War in Asia and the Pacific, 1941-45/ Basingstoke, Macmillan, 1994.
This is a collection of papers given at the Conference on “The Pacific War: A Reappraisal after Fifty Years” held at the Imperial War Museum, London, in 1991, including “Hiroshima: A Strategy of Shock,” written by Lawrence Freeman and Saki Dockrill. In the paper, the authors view dropping of the atomic bombs as the end of World War II rather than the first shot in the Cold War, maintaining that the bombing succeeded in the American aim of shocking Japan into surrender.
1991年に英国の帝国戦争博物館で開催された会議「太平洋戦争: 50年後の再検討」で発表された論文集。論文「広島 : ショックを与える方略」は、広島と長崎の原爆投下は冷戦の最初の一撃ではなく、日本にショックを与え、世界大戦を終結させたことに意義があったと述べている。


Lindee, M. Susan/ Suffering Made Real: American Science and the Survivors at Hiroshima/ Chicago/ University of Chicago Press, 1994.
This is the first comprehensive research about the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission, established in Japan to study the long-term biomedical effects of radiation on the survivors. The author explains the organization's controversial research program, including its “no-treatment” policy, from its political and cultural aspects.
原爆が被爆者に及ぼした長期の生物医学的影響について調査研究をするため日本に設立された原爆傷害調査委員会 (ABCC) についての包括的研究書。多くの歴史的資料を基に、その組織の全容を明らかにし、政治的、文化的側面から「治療をしない」委員会の方針が、なぜ成立したのかを分析している。


Minear, Richard H., et al./ Through Japanese Eyes/ New York/ Center for International Training and Education, 1994.
Tracing Japanese history since the 17th century, the author introduces the reality of Japanese society through Japanese eyes. The chapter, “Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” contains Sankichi Toge and Sadako Kurihara's poems translated by the author. In the chapter entitled “The Japan That Can Say No,” he compares the ideas of two Japanese, Shintaro lshihara, a statesman, and Sadako Kurihara, a poet in Hiroshima.


Nagataki, Shigenobu, ed./ Nagasaki Symposium on Chernobyl: Update and Future/ Amsterdam/ Elsevier, 1994.
This is the proceedings of “The Chernobyl Update” held on 3 June, 1994, at the 67th Annual Meeting of the Japan Endocrine Society, and “Chernobyl in the Future” held on 4 June, 1994 at the International Chernobyl Thyroid Symposium sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture of Japan, and proceedings of the “Japan-NIS Chernobyl Thyroid Symposium” held on 12 December, 1993 by Nagasaki University. The aim of the Nagasaki symposia was to invite physicians from Russia, Belarus and Ukraine to provide them with training sessions using the achievements of research and treatment of A-bomb survivors.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum/ The Outline of Atomic Bomb Damage in Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 1994.
This booklet, first published in 1978 and reprinted several times, is a collection of basic information regarding the damage done on Hiroshima by the atomic bomb.


Udall, Stewart L./ The Myths of August: A Personal Exploration of Our Tragic Cold War Affair with the Atom/ New York/ Pantheon Books, 1994.
After the Hiroshima bombing, the atomic age was born. In spite of many Americans' expectation of the new era, the author claims that millions of people have been exposed to toxic radiation because of the secret government security policy during the Cold War. The author is a former congressman, Secretary of the Interior under Kennedy and Johnson, and a longtime lawyer for victims of radiation exposure.
スチュアート・L・ユードル『八月の神話:原子力と冷戦がアメリカにもたらした悲劇』(時事通信社 1995年)


Allen, Thomas B. and Norman Polmar/ Code-name Downfall: The Secret Plan to Invade Japan: And Why Truman Dropped the Bomb/ New York/ Simon and Schuster, 1995.
This book explains the U.S. military's plan to assault Japan which would have been carried out if atomic bombs had not been dropped. The authors conclude that use of the atomic bombs shortened the war and saved American and Japanese lives.
トーマス・アレン、ノーマン・ポーマー『日本殱滅:日本本土侵攻作戦の全貌』 (光人社 1995年)


Alperovitz, Gar with assistance of Sanho Tree (et al.)/ The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb and the Architecture of American Myth/ New York/ Knopf, 1995.
An American historian discusses the U.S. government's real intention in deciding to drop the A-bombs toward the end of the war and describes how the myth that the aim was to avoid further war victims was created.
ガー・アルペロヴィッツ『悲劇のヒロシマ・ナガサキ―原爆投下決断の内幕上・下』(ほるぷ出版 1995年)


Bleifer, Sandy, ed./ Project Report: Sandy Bleifer’s Hiroshima/Nagasaki Memorial Project/ Los Angeles/ Sandy Bleifer, 1995.
Sandy Bleifer reports on her project entitled “the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Memorial Project” which was held in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the bombings. The original project was exhibited in Hiroshima, Osaka and Nagasaki from October to December, 1995.


Everett, Glenn D./ Hope from the Horror of Hiroshima: The Study of the Japanese Christians who Survived the Bomb and Their Prayers for Foreigners, Reconciliation and Lasting World Peace/ Rutland, Vermont/ Academy Books, 1995.
An American journalist wrote this documentary story based on his interviews with Christian A-bomb survivors including Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto who John Hersey depicted in his book, Hiroshima.


Gerson, Joseph/ With Hiroshima Eyes: Atomic War, Nuclear Extortion, and Moral Imagination/ Philadelphia/ New Society Publishers: American Friends Service Committee, 1995.
Introducing testimony from A-bomb survivors, the author, a member of American Friends Service Committee, explains both how the United States' nuclear threat influenced the rest of the world and the fact that nuclear weapons have always been targeted against human beings.


Hiroshima Travel Grant for Asian Journalists Hiroshima-Nagasaki Report (Vol. 1)/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation, 1995.
This book contains articles about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with Japanese translations, written by Asian journalists who were invited to the cities by the grant program which was started in 1992. Volumes l, 2 and 3 were published in 1995, and bound editions of volumes 4, 5, and 6 in 2000. English articles are from Malaya in the Philippines, The Hindustan Times as in India, Hong Kong Standard in Hong Kong, The Bangkok Post in Thailand, and Outlook in India.
『アジア記者招請プロジェクト―ヒロシマ・ナガサキリポート 第1集』 (広島国際文化財団 1995年)


Holdstock, Douglas and Frank Barnaby/ Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Retrospect and Prospect/ Portland, Oregon/ Frank Cass, 1995.
This book contains 13 papers on the topic of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki which is organized into four chapters: the past concerning Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the present nuclear threats, the future without a nuclear arms race, and the goal, i.e., a nuclear-weapons-free world. This book concludes that the lesson of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is to create such a world.


Lifton, Robert Jay and Greg Mitchell/ Hiroshima in America: A Half Century of Denial; with a New Afterward by the Authors/ New York / Avon books, 1995. 
Lifton, Robert Jay and Mitchell, Greg/ Hiroshima in America: 50 Years of Denial/ New York/ Putnam’s Sons, 1995. 
The author of Life in Death examines the psychological effects of the dropping of the atomic bombs on American people. He also analyzes the debate concerning the modification of the exhibition at the Smithsonian Museum.
ロバート・リフトン『アメリカの中のヒロシマ 上・下』(岩波書店 1995年)


Linner, Rachelle/ City of Silence: Listening to Hiroshima/ New York/ Orbis Book, 1995.
With deep reflection, the author writes about Barbara Reynolds as an example of reconciliation between America and Japan, Takashi Nagai, M.D., whose activities were based on his Catholic faith, and stories of A-bomb survivors, especially the ironic stories of those living in the U.S. Since her visit to Hiroshima in 1984, the author has formed friendships with A-bomb survivors and Barbara Reynolds through correspondence.


Maddox, Robert James/ Weapons of Victory: The Hiroshima Decision Fifty Years Later/ Columbia/ University of Missouri Press, 1995.
This book reviews the 50-year debate concerning the A-bombings, and explains historically that the bombings mark the beginning of the cold war rather than the end of World War II.


Merrill, Dennis, ed./ Documentary History of the Truman Presidency (Vol. 1): The Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb on Japan/ Bethesda. Md./ University Publications of America, 1995.
This is a collection of 70 documents about Truman's decision to drop the A-bomb on Japan. This is the first volume of the book with this title, and thirty-five volumes of this series have been published until 2002.
トルーマンによる原爆投下決定に関する70点の文書を収録。 トルーマン政権に関する歴史資料シリーズは2002年までに35巻出ている。


MUP/ Nagasaki Peace Trail: Mutual Understanding from Peace Nagasaki/ Fukuoka/ Kaichosha, 1995.
This is a guidebook of Nagasaki written in four languages: Japanese, English, Chinese, and Korean.
日本語・英語・中国語・韓国 (朝鮮) 語による長崎ガイドブック。


Newman, Robert P./ Truman and the Hiroshima Cult/ East Lansing/ Michigan State University Press, 1995.  
The author depicts those who maintain that the A-bombing on Hiroshima was intended to intimidate the Russians or a decision made through racism as Asians “cultists.” He argues that Truman made a military decision to end World War II as quickly as possible with few casualties as possible.


Nobile, Philip, Tom D. Crouch, and Barton J. Bernstein/ Judgment at the Smithsonian/ New York/ Marlow & Company, 1995.
This book was written as a joint work of a journalist and a historian. The authors discuss the propriety of the A-bombings. From the viewpoint that Washington should apologize to Tokyo for the use of the bombs, the authors maintain that the modification of the exhibition at the Smithsonian Museum distorts the historical facts.


Ogura, Keiko, ed./ Hiroshima Handbook: Japanese-English/ Hiroshima/ The Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace, 1995.
This book is a revised and enlarged edition of Hiroshima Handbook published in 1985, containing the latest information about the peace issues such as a word list, a guide to Hiroshima, a history of Hiroshima, a book review, and others.
日英併記。日本語題名は『和英ヒロシマ事典』 (平和のためのヒロシマ通訳者グループ編。発行)。
1985年の第1版の増補改訂版。最新の平和問題関連情報 (単語集、広島ガイド、広島に関する歴史、ブックレビューほか)を和英で掲載している。


Outline of Atomic Bombing Damage of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ _**Edited and published by the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, 1995.
This booklet consists mostly of excerpts from the book, Hiroshima and Nagasaki: The Physical, Medical, and Social Effects of the Atomic Bombings, which was edited by the Committee for the Compilation of Materials on Damage Caused by the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and was published in 1981 by Iwanami Shoten, Tokyo.


Pilgrimage for Peace 1995: From the Top of the World, a Compelling Message Travels to the United Nations and Eastward to Hiroshima**_/ Ada, MI/ Amway Environmental Foundation, 1995.
This booklet describes a cultural exchange between Inuit high school students who visited Japan to appeal for the environmental protection in the northernmost part of the earth, and their counterparts in Hiroshima.


Roff, Sue Rabbitt/ Hotspots: The Legacy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ London, New York/ London/ Cassell, 1995.
The author, a journalist and human rights activist, criticizes the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission's (ABCC) research design based on her personal inquiry into the biomedical consequences of radiation damage in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Schull, William J./ Effects of Atomic Radiation: A Half-century of Studies from Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ New York/ Wiley-Liss, 1995.
This is a medical report on the biological consequences of exposure to atomic radiation through a half-century of studies based on the author's work with the Atomic Bomb Casualty Committee and the Radiation Effects Research Foundation. The author, an advisor to the World Health Organization, uses an investigation into the effects of radiation exposure from the nuclear accident at Chernobyl to challenge the discretion of nuclear policy.


Shigematsu, I., C. Ito, M. Akiyama, and H. Sasaki, eds./ Effects of A-bomb Radiation on the Human Body/ Chur, Switzerland/ Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995.
This book was compiled by doctors in Hiroshima. Prompted by the Chernobyl accident and established in 1991, a physicians and researchers' association, HICARE, has been engaged in international cooperation activities using their knowledge about the medical care of the radiation- exposed. This book was published as a text for medical personnel visiting Hiroshima and Nagasaki to meet the medical treatment demands in various parts of the world suffering as a result of nuclear testing and accidents at nuclear power plants.
放射線被曝者医療国際協力推進協議会編『原爆放射線の人体影響1992』(文光堂 1992年)


Shimizu, Sakae/ Hiroshima Atomic Bomb, August, 1945 and Super-hydrogen Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll in the Mid-Pacific, March, 1954: Investigation by Scientists of Kyoto University/ Kyoto/ Kyoto Forum, 1995.
This is a compilation of four papers and one report written by the nuclear physicist Bunsaku Arakatsu, the pathologist Shigeteru Sugiyama, and the physicist Sakae Shimizu, who were the members of the first survey team from Kyoto University that entered Hiroshima in September, 1945. The first scientific papers of the field survey on the Hiroshima bombing by Japanese scientists, B. Arakatsu and S. Sugiyama, were published in the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper (Osaka) in a series from September 14th to 18th, 1945. Also included are three scientific reports written by Sakae Shimizu, a recollection as the only member of the first survey team who still survives after 50 years and a survey of the radioactive fallout of dust produced by the super-hydrogen bomb test at Bikini Atoll in 1954.
1945年9月に広島入りした京都大学の研究調査班のメンバーだった荒勝文策 (核物理学者)、杉山繁輝 (病理学者)、清水榮による論文と報告書。日本人科学者による初めての原爆に関する調査研究論文は45年の9月14日から18日まで朝日新聞大阪版にシリーズで掲載された。被爆50年後も生存している唯一の調査班メンバーだった清水は、当時の回想記と1954年のビキニ環礁での放射性降下物に関する論文を載せている。


World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity/ Special Event for the 50th Anniversary of the Atomic Bombing: Outline of the Asia and Pacific Regional Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity/ Hiroshima/ World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity, 1995.
This booklet outlines the Asia and Pacific Regional Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity held as a core-building project for the abolition of nuclear weapons and lasting peace in the region. In the conference, the delegates from 57 cities debated a wide variety of themes which the Asia and Pacific region faces such as environmental issues, education, and the status of women.


Takaki, Ronald/ Hiroshima: Why America Dropped the Atomic Bomb/ Boston/ Little, Brown, and Co., 1995.
The author, a third-generation American and historian, probes the controversial issue of the decision to drop the Atomic Bomb from the cultural aspect of anti-Japanese racism and from an analysis of Truman's personal situation by referring to military reports, diaries, and personal letters.
ロナルド・タカキ『アメリカはなぜ日本に原爆を投下したのか』(草思社 1995年)
筆者は日系3世の歴史家。50年間論争が続いている原爆投下の理由について、日本人に対する人種差別、 トルーマンの人格的側面から検証する。


University of Hawaii, ed./ 50 Years with the Bomb/ Hawaii/ University of Hawaii, 1995.
This book tells the history of nuclear weapons starting from the first explosion at Alamogordo, New Mexico, to the then current situation in 1995 with an emphasis on the nuclear proliferation issues yet to be solved. This book also refers to aftermath of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings including accounts of the natives of Hawaii who witnessed the Hiroshima bombing.


Yamazaki, James N. and Louis B. Fleming/ Children of the Atomic Bomb: An American Physician’s Memoir of Nagasaki, Hiroshima, and the Marshall Islands/ Durham/ Duke University Press, 1995.
In this book, the author, a pediatrician and a second generation Japanese-American, recollects his research of A-bombed children and the genetic effects of atomic bombs. He researched at the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission in Hiroshima and Nagasaki after the war.
ジェームス・N・ヤマザキ、ルイス・B・フレミング『原爆の子どもたち:長崎、広島、マーシャル諸島でのあるアメリカ人医師の回顧録』(ブレーン出版 1996年)


Broderick, Mick, ed./ Hibakusha Cinema: Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film/ New York/ Kegan Paul International, 1996.
This is a collection of ten reviews on how the images of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are depicted in Japanese films.
ミック・ブロデリック編著 『ヒバクシャ・ シネマ: 日本映画 における広 島・長崎と核のイメージ』(現代書館 1999年)


Greg, Ruggiero and Sahulka Stuart, eds./ Critical Mass: Voices for a Nuclear-Free Future/ Westfield, NJ/ Open Media and the Campaign for Peace and Democracy, 1996.
This book is a collection of articles and papers which are critical of the proliferation of nuclear arms. It includes a statement by the then Mayor of Hiroshima Takashi Hiraoka, entitled “Third Generation Hydrogen Bombs and Lessons from History”, as well one by the physicist Michio Kaku and the Gensuikin (Japanese Congress Against A- and H-Bombs) entitled “Proposal: Steps to Abolish Nuclear Weapons by the Japanese Congress Against A- & H-Bombs”. The list of peace organizations in the U.S., magazines, books, and films included at the end of the book is useful.


Harwit, Martin/ An Exhibit Denied: Lobbying the History of Enola Gay/ New York/ Copernicus, 1996.
The former director of the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum documents the dispute concerning the museum's display of the aircraft, the Enola Gay, which was planned to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the A-bombing. He explains how the planning was thwarted by the pressure of war veterans' organization and the United States' Congress.
マーテイン・ハーウイット『拒絶された原爆展―歴史の中の「エノラ・ゲイ」―』(みすず書房 1997年)


Hogan, Michael J., ed./ Hiroshima in History and Memory/ Cambridge/ Cambridge University Press, 1996. 
This is a collection of essays on political controversies that have followed Hiroshima and Nagasaki by prominent historians such as Samuel Walker. Published to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the A-bombings, this book gives readers a historiographical overview about the argument on the A-bombing of Japan.


Hoshi, M., et al. eds./ Effects of Low-Level Radiation for Residents near Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site: Proceedings of the Second Hiroshima International Symposium, Hiroshima, July 23-25, 1996/ Hiroshima/ Research Institute for Radiation Biology and Medicine, Hiroshima University, 1996.
The Hiroshima International Symposium has been held seven times since 1995 and is hosted by the International Radiation Information Center at Hiroshima University. The center is acting in collaboration with scientists in Kazakhstan which is allowing the Kazaks to make use of the center's fifty years of research on the atomic bomb survivors.


The Japanese Preparatory Committee ed./ International Symposium: Fifty Years since the Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ The Japanese Preparatory Committee, 1996.
This is the proceedings of an international symposium held in Hiroshima from July 30 to August 2, 1995, on the damage from the A-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the subsequent nuclear arms race; on compensation, and for the abolition of nuclear weapons. The Special NGO Committee for Disarmament, the organizers of this symposium, held an “International Symposium on the Damage and Aftereffects of the A-bombing” in 1977.
1995年に広島で開かれた「被爆50周年シンポジウム」の報告書。広島・長崎の被爆の実相、その後の核開発競争、被爆者の補償問題、核兵器廃絶をテーマにした。NGO軍縮特別委員会 (ジュネーブ) と日本準備委員会が主催した。これらの委員会は、1977年にも東京・広島・長崎で「NGO被爆問題シンポジウム」を開催。


Nagataki, Shigenobu and Shunichi Yamashita, eds./ Nagasaki Symposium Radiation and Human Health: Proposal from Nagasaki/ Amsterdam/ Elsevier, 1996.
This is the proceedings of the Nagasaki Symposium '95 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the A-bombing of Nagasaki. The symposium was organized by the Nagasaki Medical Association for Hibakusha's Medical Care. Speakers were invited from the sites of A-bombings, nuclear testing facilities, and areas contaminated by radioactive materials worldwide. The participants emphasized compensation for all victims and the immediate cessation of nuclear tests.


Nakamura, Tetsuya/ The Young People who Transcended Nationality: A Record of the Events Leading up to the Performance of the Multinational Recitation Play “The Day the Dragonfly Disappeared”/ HIRA-TAI Books/ Tokyo/ YAC Planning Inc., 1996.
This book in Japanese and English is a documentary about the struggles and conflicts, caused by the differences of their national backgrounds, that a group of young people from eight countries including the U.S., Korea, China and Japan experienced in performing the international recitation play, “The Day the Dragonfly Disappeared.”


Okamoto, Mitsuo/ Peace Studies in the Nuclear Age/ Hiroshima/ Institute for Advanced Studies, Hiroshima Shudo University, 1996.
Published in a monograph series by the Hiroshima Shudo University Institute for Advanced Studies, this book is a compilation of essays and public lectures given overseas by the author over the preceding twenty years. The author maintains that peace studies in the nuclear age should be based on the experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Hein, Laura and Mark Selden, eds./ Living with the Bomb: American and Japanese Cultural Conflicts in the Nuclear Age/ Armonk, NY/ M.E. Sharpe, 1997.
Essays written by John W. Dower, Monika Braw, Lisa Yoneyama, Rinjiro Sodei and others provide details on the nuclear debate in the U.S. and Japan over the half-century since the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Authors argue against the official stories about the nuclear weapons issues and explain that commemoration of the A-bombings has been silenced. They explain this by discussing postwar history from the censorship during the occupation days, to the debate of the Air and Space Museum exhibit commemorating the 50th anniversary of the bombings.


Rotblat, Joseph and Michiji Konuma, eds./ Towards a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World: Proceedings of the Forty-fifth Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs/ Singapore/ World Scientific,

  1. The 45th Pugwash Conference met in Hiroshima in 1995, when the city was commemorating the 50th anniversary of the A-bombing, and was attended by 137 participants from 45 countries. A special Hiroshima Declaration of the Pugwash Council was presented to the Conference.


Walker, Samuel/ Prompt and Utter Destruction: Truman and the Use of Atomic Bombs against Japan/ Chapel Hill/ University of North Carolina Press, 1997.
The author, historian of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, argues the issue, “Was the bomb necessary?” with an attempt to avoid both extremes, and says that it was necessary to end the war as quickly as possible, but not necessary to prevent an invasion of Japan and to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of American troops.


Bird, Kai and Lawrene Lifschults, eds./ Hiroshima’s Shadow: Writings on the Denial of History and the Smithsonian Controversy/ Stony Creek, Conn./ Pamphleteer’s Press, 1998.
This book uses historical materials to introduce the dispute over the rights and wrongs of dropping the A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Illustrating the opinions against the dropping of the A-bombs, essays by Dr. Shuntaro Hida, Kenzaburo Oe, Hideko Tamura Snider, an A-bomb survivor in the U.S., and Tamiki Hara's short story, “The Summer Flower,” are included as well as a dialogue between the then mayors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
広島・長崎への原爆投下に関する歴史的資料を収集し、原爆投下の是非に関する論争を紹介。日本人の意見として、肥田舜太郎医師、大江健三郎のエッセー、原民喜の「夏の花」、在米被爆者の声 (ヒデコ・タムラ・スナイダーの手記、One Sunny Dayからの抜粋)、広島・長崎市長の対談を掲載している。


International Conference of Peace Museums/ Exhibiting Peace: The Contribution of Museums to World Peace, 6-10 November, 1998, Osaka & Kyoto, Japan, 11-13 November, 1998, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Okinawa, Japan/ supported by the Commemorative Association for the Japan World Exposition (1970), 1998.
This is a collection of 53 papers presented to the Conference of Peace Museums. It includes “Exhibiting the Reality of Nuclear Wars - Report from Hiroshima: Experiences with the Exhibits in the Peace Memorial Museum” by Hiroshima Peace Museum Director Minoru Hataguchi, “The Role of the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum” by Nagasaki Peace Museum Director Masaru Koizumi, and “For the Culture of Peace: Experience of Display House of the 5th Lucky Dragon” by Hideo Fujita.


Grant, R.G./ Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Austin, TX/ Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1998.
The author reviews the history of World War II from the perspective of the scientists, the political and military leaders, and the A-bomb survivors in Japan, and attempts to give a well-balanced presentation of the controversial issues of the war including whether or not the A-bombs made Japan surrender. He also discusses the reality of living with the presence of nuclear weapons during the post-war period.


Hiroiwa, Chikahiro/ Hiroshima Witness for Peace: Testimony of A-bomb Survivor Suzuko Numata/ Tokyo/ Soeisha: Books Sanseido, 1998.
This is the story of Suzuko Numata, an A-bomb survivor who lost her leg to the atomic blast, in which she gives a testimony to the A-bombing as written by a reporter for the Mainichi Newspaper. After a long silence, Numata started to talk about her experiences of the A-bombing to children and students who visit Hiroshima.
広岩近広『青桐の下で:広島の語り部 沼田鈴子物語』(明石書店 1993年)


The Japanese Association of University Women/ Report: IFUW-JAUW Peace Studies/ Tokyo/ The Japanese Association of University Women, 1998.
This book is a report of a joint research project on peace education in Japan. They investigated how and to what extent three subjects, the Japanese military's aggression against Asia, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, and the constitution that renounces war, are taught in the elementary and secondary schools in Japan. It concludes that peace education in Japan should include the issues of Japan's war responsibility as well as what is currently taught.


Sodei, Rinjiro; edited by John Junkerman/ Were We the Enemy?: American Survivors of Hiroshima/ Boulder, Colo./ Westview Press, 1998.
It is estimated that there were about 4,000 Nisei, Japanese Americans, who experienced the Hiroshima bombing. Of these, 3,000 died and 1,000 survivors returned to the West Coast after the war. This is a nonfiction story about Nisei survivors, who have been recognized by neither the Japanese nor the U.S. governments.
袖井林二郎『私たちは敵だったのか―在米ヒバクシャ黙示録一』(岩波書店1995年) (1978年 潮出版社版の増補改訂版)


Asahi Shimbun/ The Road to the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons/ Tokyo/ Asahi Shimbun, 1999.
This book is based on a long series of stories entitled “The Road to the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons” which the Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) started in 1994. It contains comprehensive data on the current state of nuclear proliferation.


Japan Institute of International Affairs Hiroshima Peace Institute/ Facing Nuclear Dangers/ Hiroshima/ Japan Institute of International Affairs Hiroshima Peace Institute, 1999.
In this report of the Tokyo Forum for nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament held by the Japan Institute of International Affairs and the Hiroshima Peace Institute in Tokyo, 25 July, 1999, the Forum recommends seventeen measures that the Japanese Government can take to reduce the dangers of nuclear proliferation.


Glover, Jonathan/ Humanity: A Moral History of the Twentieth Century/ London/ Jonathan Cape, 1999.
The author, director of the Center of Medical Law and Ethics at King's College, London, describes the atrocities of the twentieth century such as the Holocaust, Hiroshima, the Gulag, Cambodia, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, and others. In the chapter titled “Hiroshima,” he examines whether there was an alternative way to end the World War II, introduces A-bomb survivors' voices, and concludes that since the end of the Cold War, the nuclear proliferation keeps the danger alive in a different form.


Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace/ A Guide to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Interpreters for Peace, 1999.
This is a textbook written in Japanese and English for those who voluntarily guide foreign visitors through Hiroshima.
日英併記の平和公園案内。日本語題名は『平和記念公園案内テキスト(日・英)』/ 平和のためのヒロシマ通訳者グループ(HIP)。


Maclear, Kyo/ Beclouded Visions: Hiroshima-Nagasaki and the Art of Witness/ New York/ State University of New York Press, 1999. 
This book, a review of visual art, discusses the role played by visual culture in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by introducing the Marukis' works as witness art. The author conceives that the vision of culture confronts the vision of militarization.


Sweeney, Charles W., James A. Antonucci, and Marion K Antonucci/ War’s End: An Eyewitness Account of Hiroshima’s Last Atomic Mission/ New York/ HarperCollins, 1999.
Charles W. Sweeney writes about his experience as a 25-year-old pilot commanding his first mission to deliver the atomic bombs to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
チャールズ・スウイーニー『私はヒロシマ・ナガサキに原爆を投下した』(原書房 1999年)


Yoneyama, Lisa/ Hiroshima Traces: Time, Space, and the Dialectics of Memory/ Berkeley/ University of California Press, 1999. 
Through fieldwork in Hiroshima, the author, who was a returnee Japanese child in 1970 and returnee American in the 1980s, investigates “the dialectics of memory,” i.e., the remembering and forgetting of memories concerning Hiroshima. This investigation exploring dimensions of culture such as the renewal and preservation of the city, history textbook controversies, campaigns to preserve the A-bomb dome, survivors' testimonial practices, Korean survivors, and women's peace activities.


Nagai, Takashi/ Atomic Bomb Rescue and Relief Report: Report to the President of Nagasaki Medical University Regarding Activities of the 11th Medical Corps, August to October, 1945/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care (NASHIM), 2000.
This is a medical relief report for the time frame from August 9 to October 8, 1945. It was written by Dr. Takashi Nagai who is well known for his account, The Bells of Nagasaki. In this report, he explains the physics of the A-bomb, describes the injuries caused by the atomic bomb, and gives his recommendations for treatment of the injuries. The publication of this English edition was one of the activities of NASHIM, Nagasaki Association for Hibakushas’ Medical Care.


International Peace Promotion Department, the City of Hiroshima/ Peace Messages from Overseas 2000/ Hiroshima/ International Peace Promotion Department, the City of Hiroshima, 2000.
This is a collection of peace messages sent in response to Hiroshima's call for peace, which contains messages from 34 national leaders, 3 international organizations,
11 intellectuals affiliated with Hiroshima, and 15 NGOs.


Nuclear Age Peace Foundation/ Waging Peace: Newsletter of the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Winter 2000 Vol.10, No.3/ Santa Barbara/Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, 2000. 
This issue features the Hiroshima/ Nagasaki Exhibition which the foundation sponsored in Santa Barbara from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki Peace Memorial Museums during the month of September, 1999.


Tashiro, Akira/ Discounted Casualties/ Hiroshima/ The Chugoku Shimbun Newspaper, 2001. 
A staff writer for Hiroshima's major daily, the Chugoku Shimbun, reports about the aftereffects of exposure to depleted uranium used during the U.S. Gulf War in 1991.
田城明『知られざるヒバクシャ』(大学教育出版 2003年)


Ziff, John/ The Bombing of Hiroshima/ Philadelphia/ Chelsea House, 2001.
This book explains the devastation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a historical perspective and describes how citizens' attitudes changed to an attitude conducive to preventing similar suffering in the future. This is one of the Great Disasters: Reforms and Ramification series, which examine disasters, natural and human made.
天災と人災による災害を検証する『大災害: 救済とその結末』シリーズの1冊。広島と長崎へ原爆を投下するに至った歴史をたどり、三度と同じ過ちを繰り返させないという市民の意識の変化を指摘している。


Enloe, Walter/ Lessons from Ground Zero: A Hiroshima and Nagasaki Story/ Minnesota/ Hamline University, 2002.
The author was principal and teacher at Hiroshima International School from 1980 to 1988. This book is a report of peace education he practiced at the school.


Usui, Shizuteru/ Hiroshima 2001/ Hiroshima/ Gariver Products, 2002.
This publication contains an essay on present-day international tension and a fictitious story written by a Hiroshima doctor on the subject of the terrorist attacks on Sept.11, 2001.

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