『英語で読む広島・長崎文献』(2003) 概要


     1945年から2002年までに出版された、広島と長崎の原子爆弾投下に関する英文文献資料、446冊を①文学 ②児童文学 ③体験記・回想記 ④写真集・画集 ⑤研究・報道に分類して紹介。解説は日本語と英語で書いた。英文文献の日本語版がある場合は、その書誌情報も加えた。



Abstract for Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Books Available in English (2003)

Part One (Japanese and English)

     This section is an annotated bibliography containing reviews of 446 English-language books published from 1945 to 2002 pertaining to the destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by atomic bombs. The books are classified into five genres: literature, juvenile literature, memoirs, graphic and photographic records, and research and reports. A description of each book is provided in English and Japanese.

Part Two (Japanese and English)

     Of the 446 English-language books listed in part one, 283 were written by Japanese authors. Part two of the book attempts to demonstrate the globalization process of Hiroshima and Nagasaki through English-language books published from 1945 to 2002 on the atomic bombings of the two cities. The publication of books has been ongoing even after the 50th anniversary of the bombings. This demonstrates that the role of Hiroshima and Nagasaki has not diminished but continues to be relevant. Part two concludes that the future challenges for us will be to distribute copies of books to the masses of people abroad and to list books that are available in languages other than English.

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