第三章 体験記・回想記 Memoirs


Matsumoto, Yuko/ My Mother Died in Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1985.
The original English booklet was published in 1949. It was later reprinted in a Japanese and English edition.
日英併記。日本語題名は、松本裕子『私の母は広島で死んだ』(広島平和文化センター 1985年)。1949年の初版は英文だけ。


Schmoe, Floyd/ Japan Journey/ Seattle/ The Silver Quoin Press, 1950.
This is a record of the author's efforts in Hiroshima for the “House for Hiroshima” project. The
author was a Quaker and peace activist during and after World War II.


Nagai, Takashi, ed./ We of Nagasaki: The Story of Survivors in an Atomic Wasteland/ New York/ Duell, Sloan and Pearce, 1951.
A doctor in Nagasaki collected the accounts of eight survivors including those of his son and daughter. His family lived in a one-room cabin after his wife died in the bomb blast.
永井隆『私たちは長崎にいた一原爆生存者の叫び』(講談社 1952年)


Nagai, Takashi, ed./ Living Beneath the Atomic Cloud: The Testimony of the Children of Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ Sanyusha Shuppan, 1979.
Originally published in Japanese in 1949, this book contains compositions by students at Yamazato Primary and Junior High School, situated seven hundred meters from the hypocenter in Nagasaki.
永井隆編『原子雲の下に生きて―長崎の子供らの手記』(中央出版社 1949年初版)


Nagai, Takashi/ The Bells of Nagasaki: A Message of Hope from a Witness, a Doctor/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1984.
The author finished writing this book in 1946, as he lay dying of leukemia. The occupation regime of Douglas MacArthur refused to give permission for its publication, but the book finally appeared in Japanese in 1949. It is still widely read and the story had been filmed twice in Japan. The Thai version was published from Matichon Newspaper Public C.
永井隆『長崎の鐘』(中央出版社 1976年)


Hachiya, Michihiko/ Hiroshima Diary: The Journal of a Japanese Physician August 6/ North Carolina/ Chapel Hill Press, 1955.
The author, who was director of the Hiroshima Communications Hospital, kept a diary of what he saw and did during the bombing and its aftermath. This book was reprinted with a new forward by John W. Dower in 1995.


Trumbull, Robert/ Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Personal Experiences of Nine Who Lived Through the Atomic Bombings/ Tokyo/ Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1957.
This is the account of nine survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945. Three of them were working for the Mitsubishi Shipbuilding Company, which had factories in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and four of them were makers of kites which Japan was using for barrage balloons. The author searched out these survivors and interviewed them with the help of a Japanese translator.


Osada, Arata, ed./ Children of the A-bomb/ Tokyo/ Uchida Rokakudo, 1959.
The latest edition is titled Children of Hiroshima (New York/ Harper & Row, 1982).
Emeritus Professor of Education Arata Osada (former president of Hiroshima University) collected 105 accounts of the bombing by the children of Hiroshima.
長田新編『原爆の子』(岩波書店 1951年)
広島大学教授だった長田新が平和教育研究の資料として広島で被爆した子どもたちの手記を集めた。このうち105編を編集。1980年、朝日イブニングニュース社発行Children of Hiroshimaもある。


Reynolds, Jessica/ To Russia-with Love/ Tokyo/ Charles E. Tuttle Co., 1962.
The author's family sailed to Nakhodka in a yacht to protest against the Soviet resumption of nuclear testing in 1961. This book is her logbook. Jessica is Mr. & Mrs. Reynolds' daughter. They also entered the U.S. nuclear testing area in the Pacific as a protest.
ジェシカ・レイノルズ『ジェシカの日記』(角川書店 1964年)


Naeve, Virginia/ Friends of the Hibakusha/ Denver/ Allan Swallow, 1964.
Participants in the first Peace Pilgrimage traveled to Europe, the United States and the Soviet Union. This book reports the response of American citizens to the project.


Reynolds, Barbara/ Goodbye to Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Association to Express Appreciation to Barbara San, the YMCA, 1969.
This booklet was published on the occasion of Barbara Reynolds' departure from Hiroshima. She was appointed an honorary citizen of Hiroshima because of her peace activities. She founded the World Friendship Center in Hiroshima and contributed to the Wilmington College Hiroshima/ Nagasaki Memorial Collection.


Reynolds, Barbara/ The Phoenix and the Dove/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Appeal Committee, 1986.
This book is a compilation of autobiographical accounts written by Barbara Reynolds, who had actively devoted herself to peace activities and was an honorary citizen of Hiroshima.


Kaya, Fumiko/ The Mushroom Cloud/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1969.
The author, a doctor, writes about her experience of the bombing in Hiroshima in an appeal for
peace. Accounts by four other survivors are also included.
嘉屋文子編『きのこぐも』(1963年 私家版)


Kaya, Fumiko/ Living through the 20th Century/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 2000.
In this autobiography, Ms. Kaya, a doctor who experienced the Hiroshima bombing, writes about her girlhood days before World War II, her experience of the A-bombing, and her medical activities after the war, especially as a member of the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War.


Nakamoto, Hiroko as told to Mildred Mastin Pace/ My Japan 1930-1951/ New York/ McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1970.
This is an autobiography of a Japanese woman who was born in Hiroshima and experienced the bombing at the age of thirteen. She lost her step-mother and sister. She vividly depicts Japanese people’s lives during World War II, her life and cross-cultural experiences at a Methodist girls’ college in Hiroshima after the war until 1951 when she left for the United States to study there.


Citizens’ Group to Convey Testimonies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Give Me Water: Testimonies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ Citizens' Group to Convey Testimonies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 1972.
This book contains twelve accounts with twenty pictures, plus the poem “Give Me Water” by Sankichi Toge. A civic group in Tokyo planned and issued the volume.
東京の市民グループ、原爆体験を伝える会が企画、刊行。原民喜の詩「水ヲ下サイ」の英訳 Give me water のほか、12編の体験記と写真20枚が収められている。


Okubo, Takeo/ The Testimony of the Atom Bomb/ Tokyo/ private publication, 1972.
This is a record of a round-table talk about the author's and his staff's experiences of the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Published in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing. The author was a member of the Japanese House of Representatives.


Youth Division of Soka Gakkai; 創価学会青年部/ The Pain in Our Hearts: Recollections of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Okinawa/ Tokyo/ Anti-war Publication Committee of the Soka Gakkai Youth Division; 創価学会青年部反戦出版委員会, 1975.
This complimentary publication contains sixteen accounts of wartime experiences in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Okinawa.
東京 創価学会青年部発行。広島、長崎、沖縄の戦争体験記16編を紹介。


Hiroshima Jogakuin High School English Department/ Summer Cloud: A-bomb Experience of a Girls’ School in Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Sanyusha Shuppan, 1976.
This book contains documents concerning the bomb victims at Hiroshima Jogakuin, a girls’ high school founded by the American Methodist Church. A history of fifteen years of war, during which the school suffered great hardship, and the postwar peace movement in Hiroshima.


Nagasaki World Peace Committee, Nagasaki UNESCO Association ; 長崎ユネスコ協会/ Peace from Nagasaki: A Collection of Children’s Compositions on Peace/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki UNESCO Association, 1976.
This is a collection of seven compositions written by children in Nagasaki aged nine to fifteen. Nagasaki City held a writing contest on the theme of “Peace” on the occasion of the thirtieth A-bomb anniversary in the previous year.
被爆30周年に長崎市が募集した平和に関する児童(9~ 15歳)の作文を英訳。


Akizuki, Tatsuichiro/ Document of A-Bombed Nagasaki/ Nagasaki/ Keiichi Nagata, 1977.
A doctor, who after surviving the A-bombing engaged himself in the treatment of the survivors, wrote this document. It was translated by Keiichi Nagata. The second edition was published in 1979.
秋月辰一郎著『長崎原爆記―被爆医師の証言』(弘文堂 1967年)
家永三郎、小田切英夫、黒古一夫編『日本の原爆記録9』(日本図書センター 1991年)にも収録されている。長崎で、原爆投下直後から被爆者の治療を行った医師の記録。秋月医師は戦後、被爆者医療に尽くし、反核平和運動に携わった。


Akizuki, Tatsuichiro/ Nagasaki 1945: The First Full-length Eyewitness Account of the Atomic Bomb Attack on Nagasaki/ London/ Quartet Books, Limited, 1981.
Included in this volume is an essay which describes an interview with Dr. Akizuki by a British TV personality, Gordon Honeycombe, in 1980.
秋月辰一郎著『長崎原爆記―被爆医師の証言』(弘文堂 1967年)


Nagasaki August 9, 1945, 純女学徒隊殉難の記録 Dedicated to the Sisters, Teachers and Students of Junior High School, Nagasaki, who gave their lives that we might have PEACE/ Translated by the Junshin Junior College English Club/ Nagasaki/ Junshin High School, 1977.
With the aid of 14 photographs, this book contains 13 personal accounts by nuns, students, teachers and the mother of a student who died in the bombing.


Junshin High School/ Nagasaki August 9, 1945, 純女学徒隊殉難の記録 Dedicated to the Sisters, Teachers and Students of Junior High School, Nagasaki, who gave their lives that we might have PEACE/ Translated by the Junshin Junior College English Club/ Nagasaki/ Junshin High School, 1983.
This book is a revised and enlarged edition, a collection of eight individual accounts of Nagasaki bombing experiences written by Junshin Girls’ High School alumnae and an English script of a video titled “In Front of the Statue of Mary”, and an article about their activity to compose a song, “A Burning Sacrifice” with 14 photographs.


National Committee for Atomic Bomb Survivors in the United States/ American Atomic Bomb Survivors: A Plea for Medical Assistance/ San Francisco/ National Committee for the Atomic Bomb Survivors in the United States, 1978.
This booklet contains accounts of backgrounds of American A-bomb survivors, their experience of the bombings, their aftermath, their plea for medical assistance and the list of US organizations who support the committee of atomic bomb survivors.


KAKKIN (National Council for Peace and Against Nuclear Weapons) ; 核兵器禁止平和建設国民会議, ed. / The Atomic Bomb Survivors in Korea: Towards the Abolition of Nuclear Weapons and Construction of World’s Peace/ Hiroshima/ KAKKIN (National Council for Peace and Against Nuclear Weapons) ; 核兵器禁止平和建設国民会議, 1978.
This booklet reports the present situation of Korean survivors, compiled by the National Council for Peace and against Nuclear Weapons.


Soka Gakkai Youth Division/ Cries for Peace: Experiences of Japanese Victims of World War II/ Tokyo/ The Japan Times, Ltd., 1978.
This book contains fifty-six accounts of World War II experiences, including an A-bomb survivor's account, “Flame and Black Rain” by Satoko Matsumoto.
創価学会青年部反戦出版委員会編 『戦争を知らない世代へ』(1974年~1975年) 1巻~14巻の中から抜粋。第二次世界大戦の体験記56編を紹介。被爆に関しては松本サトコ「見るも無残な光景」など。


Miura, Kazue/ Survival at 500 Meters in Hiroshima: For a Peaceful World Free from the Threat of Nuclear Annihilation/ Osaka/ Women’s Section Osaka Association of A-Bomb Victims, 1979.
This is the life story of Kazue Miura, one of the rare survivors within 500 meters of the bomb's hypocenter. She is one of the members who founded the Women's Section, Osaka Association of Atomic Bomb Victims.


Takada, Mineo and Sylvia B. Warner, ed./ August the Sixth, Before and After: Letters to and from Her Son/ Kyoto/ Kimura Keibunsha, 1979.
This memoir was published six years after the author died of A-bomb disease. The author translated letters she exchanged with her child who was separated from her through the evacuation into a group refuge during the war, as well as her personal account of the A-bombing.


Takayama, Hitoshi, ed./ Hiroshima in Memoriam and Today/ Hiroshima/ The Support Society of Hiroshima in Memoriam and Today, 1979.
This is a collection of accounts of the present situation of atomic bomb survivors, with messages from noted persons around the world. The 3rd edition, revised and enlarged, was published in 2000, with the Hiroshima experience 50 years later and ten accounts added.


Nagasaki Appeal Committee and Tatsuichiro Akizuki/ Nagasaki: A Guide to Peace/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Appeal Committee, 1980.
For use by students and the general public, the “guide” includes the story of one child survivor, accounts of the damage and after effects of the Nagasaki bombing, and suggestions for further study.


Katakura, Kyozo/ Pillars of Smoke/ Tokyo/ private publication, 1981.
This is a hand-written Japanese and English account by an English teacher who experienced the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Published by his daughter.


“Burned Like Fallen Leaves” Editorial Committee, Hiroshima, ed./ Burned Like Fallen Leaves: The English Version/ Hiroshima/ New Japan Women's Association Hiroshima Prefectural Division; 新日本婦人の会 広島県本部, 1982.
This is a booklet of personal accounts of what occurred in Hiroshima, including Misao Nagoya’s “Burned Like Fallen Leaves,” and Pak E Ok's “This Is How I Have Lived in Japan,” an account by a Korean survivor.
新日本婦人の会広島県本部編。1964年から発行された14冊の小冊子『木の葉のように焼かれて』の中から19編の原爆体験記を英訳した。この手記集の表題となった名越操のBurned Like Fallen Leaves、朴愛玉のThis Is How I Have Lived in Japanなど。


Pak, Su-nam/ The Other Hiroshima: Korean Atomic Bomb Victims Tell Their Story/ Kanagawa/ private publication, 1982.
The author tracked down Korean A-bomb victims and records the stories of eight of them in this booklet.
朴寿南『もうひとつのヒロシマ-朝鮮人韓国人被爆者の証言』(舎廊房出版部 1982年)


Robinson, Frank and E.R. “Bon” Hall/ Through Hell & Bomb Blast/ Tasmania/ private publication, 1982.
This book is about the experiences of Australian war prisoners in Sumatra. Also, some survivors,
including Peter McGrath-Kerr, one of the 24 Australians who were within 1750 meters of the
Nagasaki bomb blast, tell their stories.


Chujo, Kazuo/ Watashi no Hiroshima Gembaku: The Nuclear Holocaust/ Tokyo/ Asahi Shimbun Co., 1983.
The contents of this book originally appeared in serial form in the Asahi Shimbun Newspaper between July and September, 1982. A news reporter for the Asahi, who experienced the Hiroshima bombing 1.8 kilometers from the hypocenter, wrote this account 37 years later.
中条一雄『私のヒロシマ原爆・The Nuclear Holocaust』(朝日新聞社 1983年)


Chujo, Kazuo/ Gembaku Otome: Hiroshima Maidens/ Tokyo/ Asahi Shimbun Co., 1984.
The author retells the lives of the “Hiroshima maidens” who, through the efforts of Norman Cousins, then editor of the American magazine The Saturday Review, went to the United States in 1955 to have their keloids treated.
中条一雄『原爆乙女・Hiroshima Maidens』(朝日新聞社 1984年)


Harada, Tomin/ Hiroshima Surgeon/ Newton, Kansas/ Faith and Life Press, 1983.
This is a book of reminiscences written by a surgeon who treated A-bomb victims and who was a pioneer in plastic surgery techniques for keloids of victims in Hiroshima as well as for napalm victims in Southeast Asia.
原田東眠『ヒロシマの外科医の回想― ヒロシマからベトナムヘ』(未来社 1977年)


Fukuhara, Teruaki/ Hiroshima in the Summer of 1945/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima City Medical Association, 1983.
This booklet was published on the occasion of the 38th anniversary of the atomic bombing and contains a physician's memoirs and a record of the physicians' relief and rescue activities.
福原照明『1945夏ヒロシマ』(核戦争防止国際医師会議広島県支部 1983年)


Matsuki, Suguru; 松木傑, ed./ Testimonies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Lutheran Hibakusha and their families/ Translated by Earl Bergh/ Hiroshima/ The Committee for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament, 1984.
This book includes testimonies of A-bomb experiences by Lutheran A-bomb survivors and their families and a report about Korean A-bomb victims, followed by several appendices such as a bibliography on A-bomb literature.


Clarke, Hugh V./ Last Stop Nagasaki! / London; Sydney/ George Allen & Unwin Australia Pty. Ltd., 1984.
An account written by an Australian war prisoner, who experienced the Nagasaki bombing at one of the two prisoner-of-war camps in Nagasaki. This book, written based on the facts, depicts how the prisoners acted after the bombing.
ヒュー・クラーク『長崎俘虜収容所』(長崎文献社 1988年)


Ikegami, Nagako/ The Twinkling Stars Know Everything/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1984.
This book contains a set of recollections of the bereaved families of pupils of the Hiroshima Dai-Ichi Middle School who were killed by the A-bomb, plus four additional essays.


City of Nagasaki, ed./ Testimonies of the Atomic Bomb Survivors: A Record of the Devastation of Nagasaki/ Nagasaki/ City of Nagasaki, 1985.
Nagasaki City published this collection of testimonies in English as one of the 40th anniversary commemorative activities. It includes writings by Dr. Takashi Nagai, Sumako Fukuda and other survivors, and an article from the Nagasaki Newspaper about the present situation of the A-bomb victims.


Barker, Rodney/ Hiroshima Maidens: A Story of Courage, Compassion, and Survival / New York/ Viking Penguin Inc., 1985.
This is the story of twenty five young Japanese women who became physically disabled by the effects of the atomic blast. They were taken to the United States in 1955 for plastic surgery. Two of these women stayed with the author's family when he was nine years old. The author was one of three American journalists awarded grants by the Akiba Project to travel to Japan and write about Hiroshima.


Kome, Penney, and Patrick Crean eds./ Peace: A Dream Unfolding/ Toronto/ Lester & Orpen Dennys Limited, 1986.
This book includes facts about the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings. It includes A-bomb survivors' stories by Setsuko Thurlow and A-bombed teachers from Nagasaki, and a poem by Hayashi Yukiko entitled “I am alone.”


Sekimori, Graynor, tr./ Hibakusha: Survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ Kosei Publishing Co., 1986.
This book contains twenty-five firsthand accounts by survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with twenty-four pages of historic photos taken after the bombings and of survivors today.


Swain, David, ed./ Come, See Hiroshima きみはヒロシマを見たか/ Tokyo/ Sanyusha, 1986.
This Japanese and English book was issued as teaching material for senior high school and university English students. The author explains some remnants in Hiroshima such as three schoolboys’ clothes, a young girl’s hair, flying glass splinters, and a human shadow on stone steps, plus the author’s account.
日英併記。日本語題名は、日本放送出版協会原作、デビッド・スウェイン編『きみはヒロシマを見たかCome, See Hiroshima』(三友社 1986年)。


Oda, Hisashi, and Stella Branch/ A Voice from Nagasaki: The Story of Chieko Watanabe/ Kyoto/ Yamaguchi Shoten, 1987
The lower half of Chieko's body was paralyzed in the A-bombing of Nagasaki when she was sixteen years old. She has participated in peace activities since 1956, when held in her mother's arms, she recounted her experience at the 2nd National Conference Against A-and H-Bombs in Nagasaki.


Shiotsuki, Masao/ Doctor at Nagasaki: My First Assignment was Mercy Killing/ Tokyo/ Kosei Publishing Co., 1987.
This book consists of two parts: the author's account of his medical treatment of hibakusha just after the atomic bombing and his selected essays written after the war.
塩月正雄『初仕事は“安楽殺”だった』(光文社 1978年)


Nagasaki Teachers’ Association of Children of Atomic Bomb Survivors, ed./ Our Parents Were in Nagasaki on August 9, 1945/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Appeal Committee, 1988.
This pamphlet includes 12 accounts of atomic bomb survivors as reported by the children who wrote what they heard. The aim of this project is to hand down the parents' experiences to the next generation.


Deline, James G., Kay T. Deline, Yasuo Takeyama, and Janet F. Takeyama/ Pearl Harbor and Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Takeyama Associates, 1989.
This booklet, written in English (36pp.) and Japanese (50pp.), contains personal accounts of the war as experienced by two brothers-in-law, one American and one Japanese. The former is a survivor of the Japanese military's attack on Pearl Harbor, and the latter is a survivor of the A-bombing of Hiroshima.
日英併記。日本語題名は、武山泰雄編『真珠湾と広島』(武山事務所 1989年)


Glynn, Paul/ A Song for Nagasaki/ Hunters Hill, N.S.W./ The Catholic Book Club, 1989. 
A Song for Nagasaki/ with a foreword by Shusaku Endo/ Grand Rapids. Mich. / Eerdmans, 1990. 
This is a documentary of Dr. Takashi Nagai of Nagasaki written from the point of view of a Catholic priest. In this book, he also introduces the manners and the customs of the Japanese to people living abroad.
パウロ・アロイジウス・グリン『長崎の歌』(マリスト会 1989)


Kanda, Mikio, ed./ Widows of Hiroshima: The Life Stories of Nineteen Peasant Wives/ London/ MacMillan, 1989.
This book contains nineteen autobiographical accounts of the lives of women who lost their husbands in the nuclear attack on Hiroshima.
神田三亀男編『原爆に夫を奪われて一広島の農婦たちの証言―』(岩波新書 1982年)


Kouchi, Akira/ Why I Survived the A-Bomb/ Costa Mesa, Calif./ Institute for Historical Review, 1989.
The author tells a story about the atomic bombing in Hiroshima, interweaving his own experience with the historical background in Japan and the U.S. before and during World War II.
河内朗『ヒロシマの空に開いた落下傘』(大和書房 1985年)


Sugimoto, Sumio/ Testimonies of Hibakusha/ privately published on the occasion of the Ninth IPPNW Congress in Hiroshima, October 7-10, 1989.
This booklet contains the experiences and life histories of eight surviving doctors, dentists and nurses with a preface by Dr. Sumio Sugimoto, President of the Ninth IPPNW Congress.


English Translation Group of “The Witness of Those Two Days”, Nihon Hidankyo/ The Witness of Those Two Days: Hiroshima & Nagasaki, August 6 & 9, 1945/ English Translation Group of The Witness of Those Two Days, Nippon Hidankyo; v.1, v.2/ Tokyo/ Nippon Hidankyo, Japan Confederation of A- & H-Bomb Sufferers Organization, 1989.
With a foreword by Kenzaburo Oe, the two volumes of this book, “Message to Our Fellows All the World over,” contain the answers of l,000 A-bomb survivors to the questions, “What, of that day and after, is most vividly imprinted on your memory?” and “What makes you still fearful and full of regrets?” The aim of the publication is to give witness to the injustice of so many civilians’ deaths as well as the deep trauma and the sense of guilt the survivors still suffer.
日本被団協「原爆被害者調査資料集I, II」、『「あの日」の証言 その1・その2』 (日本原水爆被害者団体協議会 1988年、1989年)


The Hiroshima Prefectural Dentists Association, comp.; 広島県歯科医師会/ Witness to the Flash/ Hiroshima/ The Hiroshima Prefectural Dentists Association, 1989.
This book contains twenty-two testimonies of dentist survivors and their rescue work in Hiroshima. The English version was published for the occasion of the IPPNW Ninth World Congress held in Hiroshima in 1989.
広島県歯科医師会発行『被爆体験文集 閃光の証言』(1985年)


Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation/ Eyewitness Testimonies: Appeals from the A-Bomb Survivors/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1990.
This book compiles the testimonies of eleven A-bomb survivors who speak regularly to visiting students, as well as an overview of A-bomb effects and some information about non-Japanese victims and survivors. The 2nd edition, published in 2000, has a foreword: “Humankind and Nuclear Weapons Cannot Coexist Indefinitely”, written by the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation's president, Tadatoshi Akiba.


Kubo, Mitsue/ Hibaku: Recollections of A-Bomb Survivors/ Nishinomiya/ private publication, 1990.
This is the English edition of Hibaku: Inochi no Hiroku, 1987, which contains fifteen accounts of A-bomb survivors as well as the story of the author's experience.
久保ミツエ『被爆・いのちの悲録一いまだ戦後終わらざる人々の記録一』(島津書房 1987年)


Succession Division, Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace/ Speaking of Peace 1: Something We Want You to Know/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace, 1990.
The fourth edition, published on August 5, 1999, is available. This book includes twelve accounts by survivors, an explanation of the devastation caused by the atomic bomb, and a Japanese and English guide to Nagasaki city.


Kamezawa, Miyuki, ed./ The Unforgettable Day: Cries of “Hibakusha” from Hiroshima & Nagasaki/ Nagoya/ Group for Spreading out “The Unforgettable Day” over the World, 1992.
The book contains 35 accounts written by A-bomb survivors, as well as a postscript, “Survivors' Forty-six Years” by Ms. Kamezawa, the main editor, 17 years old then, now living in Nagoya City. The original Japanese book was translated into three languages: English, Russian, and Esperanto.
亀沢深雪編『原爆、忘れまじ―ヒロシマ・ナガサキ被爆者体験手記集』(「原爆、忘れまじ」を世界に広める会 1992年)


Zushi Atomic Bomb Sufferers Association, ed./Testimonies from Hiroshima, Nagasaki/ Kanagawa/ Zushi Atomic Bomb Sufferers Association, 1992.
This is a script to the oral reading of “The Mushroom Cloud” including a collection of testimonies by A-bomb survivors.


Yoshida, Tetsuko/ It Seems Like an Illusion: A Japanese Christian’s Experience of the A-Bomb in Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ private publication, 1992.
This is an account of an A-bomb survivor, born in Hiroshima in 1906, who is suffering from atomic bomb disease and was baptized into the Christian faith. She experienced the bombing in Hiroshima, approximately two kilometers from the hypocenter. Her two children died after the bombing.


Kumai, Takehiko/ The Atom Bomb!: The Memoirs of a Banker Who Barely Escaped with His Life/ Tokyo/ private publication, 1993.
This is an account written by a former banker, who narrowly survived the Hiroshima bombing.
熊巳武彦『ピカド~ン!! (原爆) 九死に一生を得た一銀行員の記録』(1993年 私家版)。当時、銀行員だった筆者の被爆体験記。


Sugimine, Hidenori, and Fusami Sugimine, ed./ Doctors’ Testimonies of “Hiroshima”: A Report of the Medical Investigations into the Victims of the Atomic Bombing/ Kyoto/ Kyoto Physicians' Association Appealing the prevention of Nuclear War and the Abolition of Nuclear Weapon, 1993.
This book contains 13 accounts written by doctors who participated in relief activities and subsequent medical treatment after the atomic bombing in Hiroshima. Available at International Human Network Society for International Understanding and Exchange Program.
核戦争防止・核兵器廃絶を訴える京都医師の会編『医師たちのヒロシマ-原爆災害調査の記録』(機関紙共同出版 1991年)


Women’s Section, Association of Atomic Bomb Victims in Osaka City/ Unvanquished, We March: In Solidarity with the Victims of Nuclear Tests/ Osaka/ Women’s Section, Association of Atomic Bomb Victims in Osaka City, 1993.
This booklet was published to commemorate the association’s 25th anniversary. It explains the association's activities, especially the “International Tribunal Project” to show that the use of the A-bombs is a violation of international law, and presents their demands against the U.S. and Japanese governments for compensation. Also included are three survivors’ accounts of the A-bomb: “Naoki Live Again!”, “Ugly Face”, and “Survival at 500 Meters in Hiroshima.”


Johnson, Katharine with John Rasche/ Hiroshima Chronicles of a Survivor/ Boston/ Branden Books, 1994.
The author started her new post as a missionary at Hiroshima Jogakuin Girls’ High School before the war, and returned to the U.S. because of the Japan-U.S. war. Upon hearing the news of the Hiroshima bombing, she wrote this memoir depicting her friendship with Hiroshima citizens. Her nephew, John Rasche, edited and published this book after her death.
キャサリン・ジョンソン著、ジョン・F.ラッシイ編『ライラックは生きていた一ある宣教師のヒロシマ物語』(渓水社 2002年)


Mori, Zenkichi/ To the People of the World --朝鮮人被爆者の記録--/ Tokyo/ Dojidaisha, 1994.
A written account of a documentary film on Korean A-bomb survivors produced in 1981. This book is written in eight languages: Korean, Chinese, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian, and Japanese. The aim of the multilingual publication is to appeal to the world for the Japanese government's compensation and abolition of racial discrimination on behalf of the Korean survivors.
日本語題名は、盛善吉、高寛康稔編『8カ国訳「世界の人々へ」―朝鮮人被爆者の記録』(同時代社 1994年)。
朝鮮人被爆者の記録映画のシナリオ。韓国・朝鮮語、中国語、英語、 ドイツ語、フランス語、スペイン語、ロシア語、日本語の8カ国語で書かれている。多言語の出版によって日本政府に対する賠償請求と民族差別の撤廃を世界に訴える。


Ogura, Toyofumi/ The Atomic Bomb and Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Liber Press, 1994.
This book includes a brief explanation of Hiroshima and a record of a meeting, held between the writers of the Japan PEN Club and atomic bomb survivors in 1950, together with Ogura's account.
小倉豊文『ノー・モア・ヒロシマー50年後の空洞と重さ』(風濤社 1994年)


Ogura, Toyofumi/ Letters from the End of the World: A Firsthand Account of the Bombing of Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1997.
The author published a book entitled Zetsugo no Kiroku (“Neither before nor since: an account of the Hiroshima bomb”) in 1948, which was written in the form of letters to his dead wife. It was probably the first book on the subject that the American occupation authorities allowed to be published.
小倉豊文『絶後の記録一広島原子爆弾の手記―』(中央社 1948年)


FCO-OP, ed./ Hand Them Down to the Next Generations!: Here are Live Voices of Atomic Bomb Victims, Vol.1/ Fukuoka/ FCO-OP, 1995.
The aim of this project is to hand down war experiences to the younger generations. This booklet contains seven accounts told by A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima and fourteen accounts by those in Nagasaki. The members of the co-operative in Fukuoka transcribed their accounts.
エフコープ生協編『つたえてくださいあしたへ… 1』(エフコープ生協発行1995年)


Higgins, Raymond A./ From Hiroshima with Love: The Allied Military Governor’s Remarkable Story of the Rebuilding of Japan’s Business and Industry after WWII/ Phoenix, AZ/ Via Press, 1995.
The author wrote this memoir of his father, Wallace Higgins, who served as the first military governor of Hiroshima from October, 1945, to August, 1946, based on detailed diaries, photos, and records he kept during his life in Japan for 26 years.


Kato, Sakuzo/ Pika-don/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1995.
The author, then a student at the Hiroshima Technical College, writes about his family's experiences of the bombing based on a recorded tape in which his dead father talked about his experience and letters from his cousin and father's company.


Committee on A-bomb Materials and Information network, ed./ Records by British Prisoners of War and Other Britishers on the Atomic Bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Hiroshima/ Committee on A-bomb Materials and Information Network, 1996.
The committee obtained the records by British war prisoners from the Imperial War Museum, London. The transcript describes ten Britons' experiences in Japan from June to November, 1945, both before and after their liberation. The war prisoners' name list and a map which shows the places where they experienced the bombing are included.
原爆資料および情報ネットワーク委員会 『英国人捕虜などによる、広島・長崎原爆投下に関する記録集 帝国戦争博物館(ロンドン)所蔵』1995
ロンドンにある帝国戦争博物館から入手した10人の英国人捕虜の記録。戦後に彼らが解放される前後の時期、1945年6~ 11月の日本での体験記である。捕虜の名簿と被爆地点を示す地図も付いている。


Snider, Hideko Tamura/ One Sunny Day: A Child’s Memories of Hiroshima/ foreword by Studs Terkel/ Chicago/ Open Court, 1996.
This book is an autobiography of a Japanese psychotherapist and social worker living in Chicago. She writes about her experience of the Hiroshima bombing at the age of ten, and the influence of that trauma on her life in Japan and the U.S.A. Shorter work is included in Hiroshima's Shadow.


Kawano, Martin/ The Cloud and the Light: Memoirs of a Japanese Christian Surgeon from Nagasaki/ Indiana/ Cross Cultural Publications, 1997.
This memoir was translated into English from the 1993 Japanese edition by Martin Kawano. The author survived the Nagasaki bombing seven hundred meters from the epicenter when he was a medical student at Nagasaki University.
川野正七『雲と光―或る脳神経外科の軌跡』(三月書房 1988年)


Minato City, ed./ Memoirs on War with Aspirations for Lasting Peace: Recollections of Last War and Disasters in Minato City/ Tokyo/ Minato International Association, 1997.
Published to commemorate the fifth anniversary of the Minato International Association and the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of Minato City, Tokyo, this book contains fifty accounts of World War II including the story “Atomic Bomb Experiences as a Nurse” written by Kinuko Iwata.
東京都港区戦争・戦災体験集編集委員会編『平和への願いを込めて一今語りつぐ戦争の体験 (港区企画部文化・国際交流担当発行 1991年)


Nagasaki Prefectural Girls High School 42nd Alumnae, ed./ Footprints of Nagasaki: Excerpt from “Anohi Anotoki”/ Nagasaki/ Seibonokishi-sha, 1997.
In this version of the book “Anohi Anotoki,” eighteen accounts from this collection of Nagasaki Prefectural Girls High School students' individual recollections of the atomic bombing were selected and translated into English from the Japanese. This book was reprinted in 2000.


Watanabe, Miyoko et al./ Peace Ribbon Hiroshima: The Witness of A-bomb Survivors: Toward Tomorrow/ Hiroshima/ Peace Ribbon, Hiroshima, 1997.
This book contains the accounts of six A-bomb survivors and the history of Peace Ribbon Hiroshima Movement. After thousands of people encircled the Pentagon building with ribbons tied together in August, 1985, the 40th anniversary of the A-bombings, a group of A-bomb survivors started the Peace Ribbon Hiroshima Project in 1989.


Yamamoto, Shizuko/ The Dome in August/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1997.
This is an account by a survivor in Hiroshima whose father and brother died in the A-bomb Dome during the bombing, as well as a memoir about her mother who joined the effort for the preservation of the A-bomb Dome and its designation as a world heritage site.
日本語題名は、山本志津子『八月のドーム』(あったか編集工房 1997年)。


Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Testimonial Society, ed./ A Journey to Nagasaki: A Peace Reader/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Testimonial Society, 1998.
The second English edition was published in 2000. The Japanese version of this Nagasaki guide book has been popular with visitors to Nagasaki since it was first published in 1983. This book tells a brief 400-year history of Nagasaki, describes damage done by the bombing, and gives testimonies to the bombing.
『平和読本・長崎への旅』(長崎証言の会編集・発行 1983年)


Harada, Tomin/ Moments of Peace: Two Honorary Hiroshimans: Barbara Reynolds and Norman Cousins/ Hiroshima/ Gariver Products, 1998.
A doctor and peace activist writes his memoir of two Americans who were Hiroshima's honorary citizens: Barbara Reynolds and Norman Cousins. Reynolds' essay, “The Phoenix and the Dove” is included.
広島で平和活動をした医師、原田東岷による、広島名誉市民バーバラ・レイノルズ、ノーマン・カズンズとの交流記録。巻末にレイノルズのエッセー“The Phoenix and the Dove”を収録。


Usui, Shizuteru/ Observations from the Charles River to Minsk/ Hiroshima/ Gariver Products, 1998.
The author, a doctor in Hiroshima, experienced the effects of the atomic bombing of 1945 at the age of eight. This book contains his essays written as an A-bomb survivor.


Usui, Shizuteru/ Aiming at Abolition 2000/ Hiroshima/ Gariver Products, 2000.
This essay is written by a doctor who experienced the A-bombing in Hiroshima. The author writes about his medical activities abroad as a member of IPPNW and his memoir about the late Dr. Tomin Harada.
広島での被爆体験を持つ医師によるエッセー集。IPPNW (核戦争防止国際医師会議) メンバーとしての海外での活動と故原田東岷医師の回想について書いている。


Hartman, Dorris/ My Life in Hiroshima/ Three Rivers, Mass. / Van Volumes, 2000.
This is a memoir written by a missionary who taught at Hiroshima Jogakuin Girls’ High School after the war. She recollects her collaboration with Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto to assist the Hiroshima Maidens and Dr. Tomin Harada for the Vietnam Project, as well as the World Friendship Center founded by Barbara Reynolds.


Inoue, Yoshikuni/ Before and After “That Day”: Journal of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb/ Osaka/ Kansai Journal Co. Ltd., 2000.
Inoue wrote this personal account of his experience as a high school student who was mobilized to work for the Toyo Kogyo Industry in Hiroshima. The book is in Japanese (124pp.) and English (84pp.) editions with illustrations of the city before and after the bombing as drawn by the author.
井上義国『「あの日」前後-広島原爆記』(関西ジャーナル社 2000年)
日本文と英文の両方を収めた単行本。広島一中生で、東洋工業 (現マツダ) に学徒動員中に被爆した体験記。


Nakano, Michiko, ed./ Nagasaki Under the Atomic Bomb: Experiences of Young College Girls/ Tokyo/ Soeisha Books Sanseido, Tokyo, 2000.
Fifteen alumnae of a girls’ college in Nagasaki report their actual experiences of 50 years in the past. Also included are some photos taken on August 10, 1945 and the facts on the Nagasaki bombing.


Fujisaki, Shinji, compiled/ Burnt Yet Undaunted: Verbatim Account of Senji Yamaguchi/ Tokyo/ Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo), 2002. 
In this series of interviews that the Nishinippon Newspaper did with Shinji Fujisaki, he talks about his early days, his experience of the Nagasaki bombing, his painful life after the war, and his enthusiasm for peace activities including his participation in a campaign for a hibakusha aid law and state compensation. A photo of his keloid burns was taken by Shomei Tomatsu and is shown in Hiroshima, published by Nihon Hidankyo, 1962.
山口仙二聞書『灼かれてもなお』(日本被団協 2002年)
聞き書きは2001年11月から翌年1月末まで西日本新聞に掲載された。被爆体験、戦後の苦しい生活、被爆者援護法や国家補償を求める運動をはじめ、自らのかかわった平和活動について語っている。東松照明氏が撮影したケロイドの写真は、被団協発行『Hiroshima』(1962) に収録されている。

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