第四章 写真集・画集 Graphic and Photographic Records


Nakajima, Kenzo, ed./ Living Hiroshima: Scenes of Atomic-bomb Explosion with 378 Photographs including Scenery of Inland Sea/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Tourist Association, 1948.
This book contains photographs which show the reconstruction of the city and survivors' stories including six witnesses in Hiroshima, written by John Hersey.


Teshima, Tsuyoshi/ The Atomic Bomb: A Photographic Record/ Tokyo/ Gensuibaku Shiryo Hozon Kai, 1958.
This is a collection of photographs taken in Hiroshima and Nagasaki with bilingual captions, as well as accounts by atomic bomb survivors and Dr. Masao Shiotsuki's record about his treatment of those injured in the atomic bombing of Nagasaki.


The Japan Council against A- and H-Bombs/ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Document 1961/ Tokyo/ The Japan Council against A- and H-Bombs, 1961.
This book contains photographs of atomic bomb survivors with English captions, paintings by lri and Toshi Maruki, and reports by scientists on the atomic bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Bikini hydrogen bomb testing, and movements against atomic and hydrogen bombs.


Lifton, Betty Jean and photographs by Eikoh Hosoe/ Return to Hiroshima/ New York/ Atheneum, 1970.
This book contains photographs of Hiroshima taken in 1970, 25 years after the bombing, as well as photographs taken after the bombing in 1945, which show the damage done to the city and its people. The photography includes B. J. Lifton's text to guide lay people's understanding of Hiroshima, explaining that there are survivors who are still suffering from the radiation's effects.


Lifton, Betty J., photographs by Eiko Hosoe/ A Place Called Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1985.
The author has written extensively on Japan and the Far East. Her film about the children of Hiroshima, A Thousand Cranes, has been widely distributed in schools throughout the United States.


日本リアリズム写真集団長崎支部 (Nagasaki Chapter of Japan Realism Photographers' Association)/ The Testimony of Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ Ayumi Publishing Company あゆみ出版社, 1970.
A collection of 88 photos of ten survivors, including Sumako Fukuda, Sumiteru Taniguchi, and Chieko Watanabe, who are suffering from radiation disease, with comments in English
日本語題名は、『写真集 長崎の証言』。福田須磨子、谷口稜輝、渡辺千恵子をはじめ10人の長崎の被爆者の写真88枚を収録。英文の解説が付いている。


Miyaki, Shiun, ed./ Genbaku no Kiroku – Hiroshima: Atomic Bomb Documents – Hiroshima – / Hiroshima/ Chugoku Shimbun, 1973.
This is a collection of A-bomb photographic materials returned from the United States related to Hiroshima, plus an article about the background of the photograph confiscation at the time, written by the editor.
宮木思雲編『原爆の記録一ヒロシマ―』(中国新聞社 1973年) 。米国返還資料からの記録写真を紹介し、米軍による被爆写真押収に関するいきさつも説明している。


Nagasaki City/ The Exhibition of the Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki City, 1973.
This is a collection of photographs taken in Nagasaki with Japanese and English captions. The aim of this publication was to warn against the increase of nuclear weapons during the Cold War.


Nagasaki International Culture Hall/ Nagasaki: The Collection of Atomic Bomb Photographs Returned from America/ Nagasaki International Culture Hall, 1974.
1232 photos of the Hiroshima bombing and 645 photos of the Nagasaki bombing were returned by the U.S in 1973. The Atomic Bomb Joint Research Committee of Japan and America collected the materials, containing color pictures (which were rare in those days), at the beginning of September in 1945. The atomic bomb photo exhibitions were held in Japan after the return of the photos.


Sasaki, Yuichiro/ Diary of Hiroshima: Scenes of A-Bombed City/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1974.
This booklet is a collection of 150 photos of Hiroshima with Japanese and English captions. The photos were taken from just after the bombing until 1971.


Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, ed./ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima: Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, 1975.
This is a pamphlet of photographs with English captions. 広島平和文化センター発行。英語説明文付き写真集。


Maruki, Iri and Toshi Maruki/ Pika-don/ Tokyo/ Logos Church, the United Church of Christ in Japan, 1976. Tokyo: Komine Shoten, 1987.
In this picture book, an eighty-year-old woman tells about the bombing. First published in 1950, the original issue was prohibited for sale by the occupation authorities. Though the English edition is now out of print, an animated film of the same title became available in 1979.
丸木位里、俊『ピカドンPIKA DON英文付新版』 (日本基督教団ロゴス教会「ろばのみみ」編集部 1976年)。小峰書店1987年版も英文併記。日本語新版『ピカドン』 (東方出版 1982年)


The Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), ed./ Unforgettable Fire: Pictures Drawn by Atomic Bomb Survivors/ Tokyo/ Nippon Hoso Shuppan Kyokai, 1977. New York: Pantheon Books, 1981. London: Wildwood House, 1981.
This is a compilation of 104 hand-drawn pictures by citizens of Hiroshima, which depict the devastation of the bombing.
日本語版『劫火をみた』(日本放送出版協会 1977年)
NHK広島の呼び掛けで市民によって描かれた原爆の絵の中から75人、104枚の作品を収録。Pantheon Books, New York 1981年版もある。


Hiroshima-Nagasaki Publishing Committee, ed./ Hiroshima-Nagasaki: A Pictorial Record of the Atomic Destruction/ Tokyo/ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Publishing Committee, 1978.
This collection of photographs (343 pages) was made possible by a citizens' movement. Several thousand volunteers worked for Hiroshima-Nagasaki Publishing Committee and they sent gift copies to their friends throughout the world.
『広島。長崎―原子爆弾の記録一』(子どもたちに世界に.′ 被爆の記録を贈る会編。発行 1978年)
東京「広島一長崎」刊行委員会発行の写真集。多くのボランテイアが刊行委員会を助け、この写真集 (343頁) を海外に送る運動に協力した。


Committee of Japanese Citizens to Send Gift Copies of a Photographic & Pictorial Record of the Atomic Bombing to Our Children, and Fellow Human Beings of the World/ Days to Remember/ Tokyo/ Hiroshima-Nagasaki Publishing Committee,1981.
This booklet gives information about the committee's activities involving the publication of Hiroshima-Nagasaki: A Pictorial Record of the Atomic Destruction, in 1978.
子どもたちに世界に! 被爆の記録を贈る会編 『知ってください! あの日のことを-原子爆弾の記録=ヒロシマ・ナガサキ』 (平和博物館を創る会/平和のアトリエ発行 2002年)


Morishita, Ittetsu/ Hibakusha/ Tokyo/ Morishita Ittetsu Photographic Office, 1978.
This is a collection of nine A-bomb survivors' photographs with Japanese and English accounts written by them.
森下一徹『被爆者』(森下一徹写真事務所 1978年)


Morishita, Ittetsu/ Shashin Kiroku Hibakusha/ Tokyo/ Horupu Shuppan, 1985.
This is a collection of Morishita's works with Japanese and English captions.
日英説明文付き写真集。日本語題名は、森下一徹『写真記録一被爆者』 (ほるぷ出版 1985年)。


Our prayer for Peace: Collection of Peace of Poster Exhibition of World Peace/ Nagasaki/ Nagasaki City & Nagasaki UNESCO Association, 1980.
A booklet, published on the 35th anniversary of the Nagasaki bombing, contains posters with the theme of “World Peace” from children of every country in the world under the joint auspices of the Nagasaki city authorities and the Nagasaki UNESCO Association. Pictures of the A-bomb victims in Nagasaki and present-day Nagasaki city are also included with Japanese and English captions.


Rainer, Arnulf/ Hiroshima: Group of 57 Works/ Bochum/ mBochum, 1982.
This is a collection of Arnulf Rainer's artwork with texts, poems and scenarios written in German and English by seven authors including Samuel Becket, Jean-Paul Sartre, and others. The art work was exhibited at various European locations.


Nippon Hidankyo, ed./ Hibakusha/ Tokyo/ Nippon Hidankyo (Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations), 1982.
This booklet contains A-bomb survivors' photographs with Japanese, English and German captions.
日本原水爆被害者団体協議会 (日本被団協) 発行の写真パンフレット。日本語、英語、 ドイツ語の説明付き。


Hiroshima Archives, ed./ 広島 Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima City, 1983.
This collection of photographs shows contemporary Hiroshima with English captions.


The Chugoku Shimbun and The Hiroshima international Cultural Foundation, eds./ The Meaning of Survival: Hiroshima’s 36 Year Commitment to Peace/ Hiroshima/ The Chugoku Shimbun and the Hiroshima international Cultural Foundation, 1983.
This is a documentary of Hiroshima and its people from 1945 to 1981, available from the Foundation, 7-l Dobashi cho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima, 730-0854.
1945年から1981年までの広島ドキュメント。広島国際文化財団 (広島市中区土橋町7-1)で購入可。


Nagasaki City, ed./ The Records of the Atomic Bombing in Nagasaki/ Nagasaki City, 1984.
This booklet is a photographic record with Japanese and English captions, containing the facts of the damage done in Nagasaki with pictures drawn and photographs taken by the A-bomb survivors depicting their life during the post-war days, as well as pictures and photographs of the present day status of nuclear weapons in the world.


Dower, John W., and John Junkerman/ The Hiroshima Murals: The Art of Iri Maruki and Toshi Maruki/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1985.
This collection of murals, a visual testament of the A-bomb experience, was painted by lri and Toshi Maruki beginning in 1950. An interview with the Marukis is included.


Yamashita, Soho/ Traces of the Atomic Rays: Paintings in Japanese Ink/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1986.
This is a collection of 63 India ink paintings with Japanese and English captions. Tanka poems with English translation are added. For example, the following poems are included: “Are they the same hands/ Those that pray and those that make/ The Atomic Bomb/ Big enough to destroy/ Hundreds of thousands of men?”/ “Let an the devils cry:/ When a blameless boy is burned,/ Six thousand degrees,/ In the atomic hellfire,/ His spite remains forever”


Brett, Guy, ed./ Through Our Own Eyes: Popular Art and Modern History/ London/ GMP Publishers, 1987.
In Chapter 4, entitled “To Rid the World of Nuclear Weapons: Hiroshima”, the author introduces Toshiko Akamatsu and lri Maruki's works and pictures painted by citizens in Unforgettable Fire, edited by the Japanese Broadcasting Corporation (London: Wildwood House,1981).


Tradici, Robert Del/ At Work in the Fields of the Bomb/ New York/ Harper & Row, 1987.
This is a manifold pictorial work about the atomic bombs, which includes information about America's aging bomb factories, its atomic pioneers, its nuclear arsenals, the labor of Native Americans at uranium mines and A-bomb victims in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The author includes interviews with the people in his pictures such as Yoshito Matsushige, a Hiroshima photographer, and Tsue Hayashi, the mother of a girl who died in the Nagasaki bombing.
水爆製造工場、広島・長崎被爆者、核廃棄物処理場、核被害者、核実験、佐々木禎子の父親、核開発者、ウラニウム採掘場の先住民など、原爆の実態を多面的にとらえている。広島のカメラマン松重美人、長崎で被爆死した林加代子 (山本典人 『かよこ桜』 新日本出版社 1981年のモデル) の母をはじめ、写真に登場する関係者とのインタビューも収録。


Korea Church Women United, ed./ The Day After/ Seoul/ Korea Church Women United, 1989.
This is a collection of photographs showing the present situation of atomic bomb survivors in Korea with captions in three languages: Korean, English, and Japanese. In the article, “Korean Atomic-Bomb Victims and Their Off-spring”, appended in this book, Young-Ae Yoon, director of Korea Church Women United, claims that Korean atomic bomb survivors have been neglected for more than forty years.
韓国 (朝鮮) 語、英語、日本語併記。日本語題名は『その日以後』 (韓国教会女性連合会編集・発行 1989年)。韓国在住被爆者の写真集。巻末に付いている「韓国在住の被爆者とその二世、三世」の中で、韓国教会女性連合会の尹英愛は、韓国在住被爆者が40年以上、治療を受けないまま放置されていた事実を指摘している。


Okada,Reiko/ Ohkuno Island: Story of the Student Brigade/ Hiroshima/ private publication, 1989.
This is a collection of thirty-one pictures drawn by the author, an ex-art teacher, who participated in chemical weapons production as a student worker. Young girls' day-to-day war experience is vividly depicted. Captions were translated by Jean Inglis, a peace activist residing in Kure, Hiroshima Prefecture.


Mamezuka, Takeshi/ Don ga Kikoenakatta Hitobito: The Deaf and the Atomic Bomb/ Kyoto/ Bunrikaku, 1991.
This is a collection of photographs of deaf atomic bomb survivors taken by a freelance photographer in Kyoto, with Japanese and English captions, together with the accounts of survivors written with the help of the Nagasaki Chapter of the National Chirology Association.
豆塚猛『写真集 ドンが聞こえなかった人々』 (文理閣 1991年)


Atomic Bomb Materials Preservation Society, ed./ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Kankobussan, [year of publication not identified].
This booklet contains photographs and documents of the atomic bomb disaster, in Japanese and in English. Copies are available at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Hall.


Goldstein, Donald M., Katherine V. Dillon, and J. Michael Wenger/ Rain of Ruin: A
Photographic History of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
/ Washington D.C./ Brassey's, 1995.
This is the fourth book in a series depicting key events of World War II such as Pearl Harbor, D-Day in Europe, the Battle of the Bulge, and the story of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.


Jenkins, Rupert, Miryam Sas, Judy Irving, and Mark Chambers/ Nagasaki Journey:
The Photographs of Yosuke Yamahata, August 10, 1945 長崎ジャーニー
/ San
Francisco/ Pomegranate Artbooks, 1995. Tokyo/ Charles E. Tuttle, 1995.
A collection of photographs taken in Nagasaki after the atomic bombing by Yosuke Yamahata, a specialist in advertising photography. This is a reminder of the Nagasaki bombing, left in 1966 after his death of cancer at the age of forty-eight.


Matsushige, Yoshito/ Atomic Bomb Photo Testament: A Collection of Photographs by the Photographers who Survived the Bombing in Hiroshima/ 広島原爆被災撮影者の会1995.
This photo-record of the bombing in Hiroshima has been published three times: 1985, 1994 and 1995. The latest edition has Japanese and English captions and 20 notes about the photographers' personal experiences after the bombing, entitled “What We Saw That Day.”
広島原爆被災撮影者の会『被爆の遺言:被災カメラマン写真集』 (1995年)


Photographed by O'Donnell, Joe, narrated to Jennifer Aldridge/ Japan 1945, Images from the Trunk/ Tokyo/ Shogakukan, 1995.
A collection of photographs with Japanese and English captions taken in Japan from September, 1945, to March, 1946, by a former sergeant of the U.S. Marine Corps. He has exhibited the photos in the U S and Japan since 1990.
ジョー・オダネル写真; ジェニファー・オルドリッチ聞き書き 『トランクの中の日本一米従軍カメラマンの非公式記録一』 (小学館 1995年)。


Quayle, Paul/ Hiroshima Calling/ Hiroshima/ Transnet, 1995.
This is a color photo-book with Japanese and English captions by an English photographer who lived in Hiroshima for ten years starting in 1988.


Tsuchida, Hiromi/ Hiroshima Collection: ヒロシマ・コレクション/ Tokyo/ NHK Shuppan, 1995.
A collection of photos of items exhibited in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum including recently donated articles. The photographer, Hiromi Tsuchida, has long been engaged in taking pictures of the collection in the museum, which has over 7,000 articles.


ながさき原爆の記録: Records of the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing/ Nagasaki/ The City of Nagasaki, 1996.
Published in 1998, 1999, 2000 and 2002, this book contains 51 photographs primarily based on the exhibits in the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb Museum with Japanese and English captions, as well as a chronological table of steps toward nuclear disarmament taken after 1945. It is available from the Nagasaki Foundation for the Promotion of Peace.


Compiled by the Japan Peace Museum and Japan Confederation of A-and H-bomb Sufferers Organizations/ The Nuclear Century: Voices of the Hibakusha of the World/ Tokyo/ ATELIER for PEACE, 1997.
A collection of photographs with Japanese and English captions of A-bomb survivors living at home and abroad, as well as those who were exposed to radiation caused by nuclear testing and nuclear power accidents.


Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum/ 図録ヒロシマを世界に: The Spirit of Hiroshima: An introduction to the Atomic Bomb Tragedy/ Hiroshima/ Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, 1999.
This is the first official document from the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum. It contains selected materials from the museum collection including 430 photographs and illustrations with Japanese and English captions.

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