第一章 文学 Chapter 1 Literature
Hagedorn, Hermann/ The Bomb That Fell on America/ Santa Barbara, Calif./ Pacific Coast Publisher, 1946.
In this long poem, the mental damage caused by the bombings to the American people is given voice. In 1950, a Japanese edition was published by Hosei University Press.
“A bomb fell on Hiroshima/Remember?” で始まる77頁に及ぶ長詩。当時、ルーズベルト記念館長だった作者は、クエーカー教徒として原爆攻撃が米国に精神的被害を及ぼしたことを問題にした。1950年に法政大学出版局から日本語版が出版された。
Sitwell, Edith/ The Canticle of the Rose: Selected Poems, 1920-1947/ London/ Macmillan, 1949.
This author's own anthology contains a series of poems titled “Three Poems of the Atomic Bomb.” The main idea came to her on September 10, 1945, when she read an article about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in the Times. She warned that nuclear power would lead to humanity's self-destruction, quoting an eyewitness's account after the bombing of Nagasaki.
イーディス・シットウェル『原子力時代の三部作』(鈴木燿之助訳 国文化社 1955年)
1945年9月10日に、広島・長崎への原爆投下を報じたタイムズの記事を読んだのがきっかけで作詩した。原子核の破壊力が人類の自減を導くと警告。詩の中に長崎の原爆投下直後の目撃者の証言を引用している。「イーディス・シットウェル詩集」(星野徹訳編 思潮社 1993年)が最新の日本語訳である。
Agawa, Hiroyuki/ Devil’s Heritage/ Tokyo/ Hokuseido, 1957.
The English edition of Ma No Isan. In this novel, the author, a contemporary popular novelist
from Hiroshima, returns to report what the city was like eight years after the bombing and writes
about survivors' experiences.
阿川弘之『魔の遺産』(新潮社 1954年)の英訳。
Morris, Edita/ The Flowers of Hiroshima/ New York/ The Viking Press, 1959.
In this novel, a young American visitor to Japan becomes acquainted with several women who have survived the bombing. It was awarded the Albert Schweitzer Literary Prize and has been published in some twenty-seven countries. More than two million copies have been sold. An edition published by Pocket Books is also available now. The Japanese Edition, Hiroshima No Hana, was published by Asahi Shimbun Co. in 1971.
エディタ・モリス『ヒロシマの花』(朝日新聞社 1971年)
来日した若き米国人Samと被爆女性たちとの交情を描く小説。作者はこの本で、1961年シュバイツァー文学賞を受賞した。27カ国語に訳され、発行部数は200万部を超えた。1963年Pocket Books, NYもある。
Morris, Edita/ The Seeds of Hiroshima/ New York/ George Braziller, 1965.
This book is a follow up to The Flowers of Hiroshima.
The Flowers of Hiroshimaの続編。「広島の心」を象徴する被爆女性Yukaが苦悩の中から立ち上がっていく様子を描く。著者には、ほかに『ヴェトナムヘの愛』など、戦争の悲劇を強く訴える作品が多い。
Selection and introduction by Saeki, Shoichi/ The Shadow of Sunrise: Selected Stories of Japan and the War/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1966.
This is an anthology of short war stories written by well-known Japanese novelists: Kenzaburo Oe's “The Catch,” Haruo Umezaki's “Sakurajima,” Fumiko Hayashi's “Bones,” Masuji Ibuse's “The Far-worshiping Commander,” and Tamiki Hara's “Summer Flower.” It includes an introduction by the literary critic, Shoichi Saeki, who selected the pieces. Hara's “Summer Flower” is based on the author’s personal experience of the Hiroshima bombing.
Ibuse, Masuji/ Black Rain/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1969.
This is the English translation of Kuroi Ame, which was awarded the Hiroshi Noma Literary
Prize in 1966 and is a classic of atomic bomb literature. The story is based on real-life diaries written by a man whose niece was caught in the radioactive “black rain” that fell after the bombing of Hiroshima.
Lanham, Edwin/ The Clock at 8:16/ Garden City, N.Y./ Doubleday, 1970.
This is a fictional story of an American man, a conscientious objector to the Vietnam War, and his Japanese girlfriend and her family in Hiroshima, who are A-bomb survivors.
エドウィン・ランハム『ヒロシマ八時十六分 上・下』(角川文庫 1973年)
Ohara, Miyao, ed./ The Songs of Hiroshima/ Tokyo/ Taihei Shuppan, 1971.
This is a Japanese and English edition containing poems written by Sankichi Toge and Tamiki Hara as well as 21 other poems. The first edition was published in 1955.
Kurihara, Sadako/ The Songs of Hiroshima: When Hiroshima is Spoken of/ Hiroshima, private publication, 1980.
This book contains English translations of sixteen poems and a lecture entitled “The Suffering of Writers Who Experienced Hiroshima and Contemporary Literature on the Subject of the Atomic Bomb,” given in West Germany by the poet.
Kurihara, Sadako/ Black Eggs/ Michigan/ Center for Japanese Studies, University of Michigan, 1994.
This volume includes a translation of a poem, Kuroi Tamago (the complete edition of 1983), which was first published in 1946, despite the censorship during the American occupation, as well as a large selection of her later poems. Translated with an introduction and notes by Richard H. Minear, the translator of Hiroshima: Three Witnesses (1990).
栗原貞子『黒い卵』(人文書院 1983年)
米国占領軍の検閲下に、一部削除して出版した同名の詩集の完全版である。ほかに以後の詩を集めている。訳者はHiroshima: Three Witnesses (1990年)も出している。日本思想史が専門の訳者による解説付き。
Kurihara, Sadako/ When We Say ‘Hiroshima’: Selected Poems/ Ann Arbor, Michigan/ Center for Japanese Studies, The University of Michigan, 1999.
Richard Minear, scholar of modern Japan, selected and translated Sadako Kurihara's poems. This vo1ume contains 26 poems including “When We Say ‘Hiroshima’,” and the translator's full introduction to Kurihara’s life and work.
Toge, Sankichi/ Hiroshima Poems/ Tokyo, Sanyusha Shuppan, 1980.
Twenty-two poems written by the poet are translated into English. The poet experienced the
bombing at his home, only three kilometers from the hypocenter. Until his death on the operating
table at the age of 36, Toge was actively involved in culture movements in Hiroshima.
Oe, Kenzaburo/ Hiroshima Notes/ Tokyo/ YMCA Press, 1981. Michigan Boyars edition, 1995. Grove Press edition, 1996.
The author's visits to Hiroshima started in 1963, when peace movements against A- and H-bombs became divided. This is an essay in which he introduces those he met in Hiroshima including Dr. Fumio Shigeto, former director of the Hiroshima Atomic Bomb Hospital.
大江健三郎『ヒロシマ・ノート』(岩波書店 1965年)
Oe, Kenzaburo, et al./ The Catch and Other War Stories/ Tokyo/ Kodansha, 1981.
This collection was originally published by Kodansha International under the title The Shadow of Sunrise in 1966. The latest edition published by Kodansha Europe, 1995, is also available. This book contains translations of short war stories written by Japanese novelists: Kenzaburo Oe's “The Catch,” Haruko Umezaki's “Sakurajima,” Tamiki Hara's “Summer Flower,” and Fumiko Hayashi's “Bones.”
Oe, Kenzaburo, ed./ Atomic Aftermath: Short Stories about Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ Tokyo, Shueisha, 1984.
This is an anthology of literary works dealing with the atomic bombings including works of Masuji Ibuse, Tamiki Hara, Yoko Ota, Mitsuharu Inoue and Hiroko Takenishi.
Oe, Kenzaburo, ed./ The Crazy Iris and Other Stories of the Atomic Aftermath/ New York/ Grove Press, 1985.
This anthology, edited and introduced by Kenzaburo Oe, contains nine A-bomb novels: Masuji Ibuse's “ The Crazy Iris,” Tamiki Hara's “ Summer Flower,” and “The Land of Heart's Desire,” Katsuzo Oda's “Human Ashes,” Yoko Ota's “Fireflies,” Ineko Sata's “The Colorless Paintings,” Kyoko Hayashi's “The Empty Can,” Mitsuharu Inoue's “The House of Hands,” Hiroko Takenishi's “ The Rite.”
大江健三郎選・日本ペンクラブ編『何とも知れない未来に』(集英社 1983年)
原民喜「心願の国」、「夏の花」; 井伏鱒二「かきつばた」; 大田洋子「ほたる」; 井上光晴「手の家」; 佐多稲子「色のない画」; 竹西寛子「儀式」; 小田勝造「人間の灰」; 林京子「空罐」。
Oe, Kenzaburo, ed./ Fire from the Ashes: Short Stories about Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ London/ Readers International, 1985.
The American edition was published as: The Crazy Iris and Other Stories of the Atomic Aftermath.
大江健三郎選・日本ペンクラブ編『何とも知れない未来に』(集英社 1983年)
Kirkup, James, ed./ No More Hiroshimas: Poems and Translations/ Kyoto/ private publication, 1982.
A collection of Kirkup's poems with the theme of Hiroshima and other poems by Sankichi Toge and Some Ikeda's “Umeboshi.”
Kirkup, James/ Picadon: An Epic Poem/ Salzburg/ University of Salzburg, 1997.
This long dramatic poem with the title “Pikadon,” an onomatopoeia meaning the flash-explosion of the atomic bomb, is dedicated to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This poem consists of four parts, starting from the experiences of the two cities guided by the shadow on the stone steps of a bank and ending in an epilogue which depicts a star-wars scenario. Kirkup has lived many years in Japan. His first poem about Hiroshima was written in 1956: “Ghosts, Fire, Water.”
Jones, J. John, and Lawrence J. Jones/ A Day at Hiroshima: Parkerville and Drawings by Lawrence John Jones and Other Poems/ Western Australia/ The Parkerville Amphitheatre, 1983.
This book is a collection of poems by the poet including “A Day at Hiroshima” dedicated to the Japanese artists, Iri Maruki and Toshiko Akamatsu, who continue to depict the atomic bombing in Hiroshima.
ヒロシマを描き続ける画家丸木位里、俊夫妻に捧げる詩 “A Day at Hiroshima” を収録。
Kamingsky, Mark/ The Road from Hiroshima/ New York/ Simon and Schuster, 1984.
This narrative poem is based on the testimony of survivors of the Hiroshima bombing, as quoted from A-bomb literature.
Townsend, Peter/ The Postman of Nagasaki/ London/ Collins, 1984.
This is a story of an A-bomb survivor in Nagasaki, Sumiteru Taniguchi, who experienced the bombing at the age of 16, with a historical background in Japan as well as in the world during and after World War II. The first edition was written in French: L'Enfant de Nagasaki (Jean-Claude Lattes, 1984).
ピーター・タウンゼンド『ナガサキの郵便配達』(早川書房 1985年)
Booth, Martin/ Hiroshima Joe/ London/ Hutchinson, 1985.
This is a nonfiction story of Joe, a British prisoner, who survived the Hiroshima bombing when he was in a camp on the outskirts of Hiroshima. After he was released, he lived from hand to mouth in Hong Kong, a man haunted by his experience during the war. The latest edition is available from St.Martins, 2003.
Goodman, David G. ed./ After the Apocalypse: Four Japanese Plays of Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ N.Y./ Columbia University Press, 1986.
This is a translation of four plays: Kiyomi Hotta's, “The Island”; Chikao Tanaka's, “The Head of Mary”; Minoru Betsuyaku's, “The Elephant”; Makoto Satoh's, “Nezumi Kozo: The Rat.” Japan's leading dramatists attempt to express the experiences of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in a dramatic medium in the quest to develop new playwriting techniques. This was reprinted in 1994.
The Japan P.E.N. Club/ The Voice of the Writer 1984: Collected Papers of the 47th International P.E.N. Congress in Tokyo/ Tokyo/ Japan P.E.N. Club, 1986.
This is a report of the 47th International P.E.N. Congress in Tokyo including “The Significance of the Atomic-Bomb Literature of Japan in the World Today” by Nobuko Tsukui.
日本ペンクラブ編『文学者の声 1984-第47回国際ペン東京大会論集』(小学館 1985年)
Bailin, George/ First Strike/ New York/ Seaport Poets and Writers Press, 1987.
This collection of 39 poems is dedicated to peace workers against the creation and proliferation of nuclear weapons such as the Physicians for Social Responsibility and the Women of Greenham Common in England. Two poems are dedicated to the survivors of the Hiroshima bombing: One is for Mikio Inoue, an A-bomb survivor, and the other for the former Hiroshima mayor Shinzo Hamai.
Stroup, Dorothy/ In the Autumn Wind/ Toronto/ Collier Macmillan Canada, 1987.
This novel is based on the author's extensive study of wartime Hiroshima and her many contacts with survivors during her stay in Hiroshima as a teacher at Hiroshima Jogakuin girls’ school. The story is of a Japanese family in Hiroshima, beginning shortly before the atomic bombing and spanning over forty years.
Wakimizu, Naruko, et al./ Returning Alive from Hell/ The International University Press, 1988.
This is a collection of tanka poems in English, originally written by an A-bomb survivor who is one of the few persons near ground zero to have survived.
脇水成子『熱線四千度―地獄からの生還』(青葉図書 1985年)
Selden, Kyoko, and Mark Selden eds./ The Atomic Bomb: Voices from Hiroshima and Nagasaki/ N.Y./ M.E. Sharpe, 1989.
This is an anthology of literary works and citizens' memoirs of the A-bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as translated by the editors. The following stories are included: August 6/ Agawa, Hiroyuki; Two Grave Markers/ Hayashi, Kyoko; Residues of Squalor/ Ota, Yoko; Stone's Sleep/ Nakayama, Shiro. A bibliography of atomic bomb literature and an explanation about the authors and their work are included at the end of the book.
Oda, Makoto/ H: A Hiroshima Novel/ translated by D. H. Whittaker/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1995.
Previously published as The Bomb/ Tokyo/ Kodansha International, 1990. With discrimination and war as two main themes, this novel starts with a story of American workers, including Native Americans and Mexicans, who are exposed to radiation at a newly established nuclear testing ground in the U.S. in 1941. The story shifts through the war zone in the Pacific, Hiroshima, and finally to an apocalyptic ending. This novel, originally titled “Hiroshima,” was written by a contemporary novelist and peace activist who was known as the leader of the League of Citizens' Movements for Peace in Vietnam until it disbanded in 1973.
小田実『HIROSHIMA』(講談社 1981年)
Minear, Richard H./ Hiroshima: Three Witnesses/ Princeton/ Princeton University Press, 1990.
Tamiki Hara, Yoko Ota and Sankichi Toge published the earliest first-person accounts of the
atomic bombing in prose and poetry between 1945 and 1952. This book contains the first complete
English translation of Hara's “Summer Flowers,” the first English translation of Ota’s “City of
Corpses,” and a new translation of Toge’s poems.
Conceived and directed by Kimura, Koichi/ These Children’s Summer: 1945 Hiroshima, Nagasaki/ Tokyo/ Chijinkai Theatre Company, 1993.
In these stage monologues, six actresses give readings of poetry, accounts and stories written by mothers who lost their children in the bombings in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This performance has been given every summer in various places in Japan since 1985.
朗読劇「この子たちの夏-1945・ヒロシマ ナガサキ」(地人会)のシナリオ。
Hotta, Yoshie/ Judgement/ Transl. Yoshiko Tsukui/ Osaka/ Kansai Gaidai University Publication, 1994.
This is a novel which describes Japan fifteen years after the atomic bombing, depicting the encounter of two veterans of war: one American pilot who took part in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and a Japanese soldier in China.
堀田善衛『審判』(岩波書店 1963年)
Stone, Albert E./ Literary Aftershocks: American Writers, Readers, and the Bomb/ New York/ Twayne Publishers, 1994.
In this cultural criticism of the literary response to the nuclear age from 1945 to the present, the author refers to A-bomb and nuclear literature including John Hersey, Masuji Ibuse, Robert Lifton, Toshi Maruki, and others.
Mulhern, Chieko I., ed./ Japanese Women Writers: A Bio-Critical Sourcebook/ Westport/ Greenwood Press, 1994.
A translator, Nobuko Tsukui, introduces the novelists, Kyoko Hayashi and Yoko Ota, who have written about the subject of the atomic bombings in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. According to the bibliography she wrote, their novels, translated into English, are as follows:
Kyoko Hayashi: “The Empty Can” In Atomic Aftermath: Short Stories about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ed. Kenzaburo Oe, Tokyo Shueisha, 1984,135-51.
“Ritual of Death” Transl. Kyoko Selden. The Japan Interpreter 12.1(1978): 54-93.
“Rotabo's Alley” Transl. Margaret Mitsutani. Tokyo Kogyo Daigaku Jimbun Ronso, no. 13 (1988) and no. 14 (1989): 131-50 and 83-90.
“Two Grave Markers” Transl. Kyoko Selden. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars 1.1 (January-March 1986):23-35.
“Yellow Sand” Transl. Kyoko Iriye Selden. In Stories by Contemporary Japanese Women Writers, ed. Noriko Mizuta Lippit and Kyoko Selden. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 1982, 197-207.
Yoko Ota: “City of Corpses” Transl. Richard H. Minear. In Hiroshima: Three Witnesses. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1990,147-273.
“Fireflies” Transl. Koichi Nakagawa. In Atomic Aftermath: Short Stories about Hiroshima and Nagasaki, ed. Kenzaburo Oe. Tokyo: Shueisha,1984,93-119.
Tsukui, Nobuko/ “Shoda Shinoe: Poetic Witness to Hiroshima”/ Journal of Inquiry and Research/ Osaka/ Kansai Gaidai University, no. 59 (1994): 501-518.
This paper is a critical biography about Shinoe Shoda, who recorded her experience of the bombing in Hiroshima in tanka poems (31-syllable classical Japanese verse). She published her tanka collection, Sange, secretly in 1947, defying the Press Code enforced by the Occupation authorities.
Tsukui, Nobuko/ “Sadako Kurihara and Hiroshima”/ Journal of Inquiry and Research/ Osaka/ Kansai Gaidai University, no. 60 (1994): 135-145.
This paper is a critical biography about Sadako Kurihara with English translation of her poems of the atomic bombing: “Let Us Help Her Bear: An Untold Story of the Atomic Bomb,” “Praying for the Nuclear-Free Tomorrow,” “Sachiko Who Was Killed by the Atom Bomb,” and “ When We Say Hiroshima.”
Tsukui, Nobuko/ “Sankichi Toge: Hiroshima Poet”/ Journal of Inquiry and Research/ Osaka/ Kansai Gaidai University, no.61 (1995): 511-531.
This paper is a critical biography about Sankichi Toge with an English translation of his poems of the atomic bombing: “To A Little Child,” “August 6, 1950,” “When Will That Day Come?”, and “Morning.”
Bradley, John ed./ Atomic Ghost: Poets Respond to the Nuclear Age/ Minneapolis, MN/ Coffee House Press, 1995.
This book was published to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, introducing 300 poems which show the culture of nuclear war. Sankichi Toge's “At the Makeshift Aid Station,” “The Shadow,” and “August 6, 1950,” and Sadako Kurihara's “When We Say ‘Hiroshima’” are introduced in the book. The aim of this publication is to tell future generations that not only Japanese but also Americans are still haunted by nuclear attacks.
Bradley, John/ To Dance with Uranium/ Florida/ Lake Effect Press, 1995.
A collection of poems composed after the poet's trip to Hiroshima in 1995. This book also contains his interview with Mr. Matsushige, a photographer in Hiroshima, and photos of articles left by the deceased such as fallen hair.
Harrison, Tony/ The Shadow of Hiroshima and Other Film/ Poems/ introduced by Peter Symes/ London/ Faber and Faber, 1995.
“The Shadow of Hiroshima” was first broadcast in England on August 6, 1995. This poem, in which a man who was killed and left his shadow on a stone step at the bombing becomes a guide to Hiroshima, is presented verbally over the visual imagery in a film. The poet has a deep knowledge of Greek drama.
Matsuo, Atsuyuki/ A-bomb Haiku/ Tokyo/ Shinjusha, 1995.
More than 200 haiku poems with English translations are arranged chronologically from 1945 to 1973. The author lost his wife and three children in the Nagasaki bombing.
日英対訳の被爆体験記と俳句集。日本語題名は、松尾あつゆき『原爆句抄』(新樹社 1995年)。200余句は年代順に英訳と共に収録。著者は長崎への原爆投下で妻子4人を失った。
Nakano, Jiro, ed./ Outcry from the Inferno/ Hawaii/ Bamboo Ridge Press, 1995.
This tanka poem anthology contains the best hundred tanka about the A-bombing selected from among several thousand. The poets are atomic bomb survivors, leading tanka poets, and literary scholars, including Takashi Nagai who is well-known for his account titled The Bell of Nagasaki.
Shigemoto, Yasuhiko/ My Haiku of Hiroshima/ Hiroshima/ Keisuisha, 1995.
A collection of haiku poems with the A-bomb experience as their theme written by an A-bomb survivor and ex-English teacher who was born in Hiroshima in 1930. It also includes a foreword by James Kirkup.
Treat, John Whittier/ Writing Ground Zero: Japanese Literature and the Atomic Bomb/ Chicago/ The University of Chicago Press, 1995.
This book contains a study of Tamiki Hara, Yoko Ota, Kenzaburo Oe and Makoto Oda, as well as the history of debate on atomic-bomb literature, which first took place in Hiroshima in the 1950's and later developed into a nationwide controversy. The author, who wrote Pools of Water, Pillars of Fire: The Literature of Ibuse Masuji (The University of Washington Press, 1988), regards A-bomb literature as a new tradition of writing which deals with global issues in the nuclear age.
Vance-Watkins, Lequita, and Mariko Aratani, eds./ White Flash: Black Rain: Women of Japan Relive the Bomb/ Minneapolis/ Milkweed Editions, 1995.
This is an anthology of poems and essays written by Japanese women, including Sadako Kurihara, Shinoe Shoda and Sumako Fukuda, who are voicing a protest against the use of nuclear weapons.
Yamaguchi, Yuko/ The Flame of Hiroshima and Article 9/ Kochi/ Grass Roots House, 1995
This booklet contains the translation of Yuko Yamaguchi's story about the flame taken from the embers of the Hiroshima bombing in Hoshino Mura, Fukuoka Prefecture, and Article 9, Renunciation of War, of the Japanese Constitution, translated into twelve languages.
山口勇子『ヒロシマの火』(新日本出版社 1988年)の英訳と憲法第9条の12言語訳を収録している。原爆の残り火の「ヒロシマの火」は、今もなお福岡県星野村で燃え続けている。
A-Bomb Haiku Meeting Organizing Committee, ed./ The 33rd A-Bomb Day Memorial Haiku Meeting/ Kyoto/ A-Bomb Haiku Meeting Organizing Committee, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, 1999
A collection of 20 very good haiku on the subject of peace selected from over 300 English haiku. The late Jakuso Okuda, a haiku poet, started this haiku meeting in 1966. Ikuro Anzai, director of Kyoto Museum for World Peace, succeeded Mr. Okuda as organizer of this project. Every year 700 to l,000 haiku, including English haiku from foreign countries, are sent to the organizing committee. This booklet is published every year since 1999.
Water, water please…/the boy's cries faded away/ into a summer river (水、水をください…/ 少年の叫びが消えていった/夏の川へ) by Mieko Kinai (Japan).
A-Bomb Haiku Meeting Organizing Committee, ed./ The 34th A-Bomb Day Memorial Haiku Meeting/ Kyoto/ A-Bomb Haiku Meeting Organizing Committee, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, 2000.
Passing in the street/ after the nuclear sun/ a shadow in stone (核の太陽が照ったあと/ 街中を通る/ 石に刻まれた影) by Florin Vasilin (Rumania).
A-Bomb Haiku Meeting Organizing Committee, ed./ The 35th A-Bomb Day Memorial Haiku Meeting/ Kyoto/ A-Bomb Haiku Meeting Organizing Committee, Kyoto Museum for World Peace, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, 2001.
Flakes of falling ash/ flutter to the sun-burnt ground…/ white chrysanthemums/
(はらはらと降る灰が/ あの太陽が焼いた地面に散らばる…/ 白い菊) by Dylan Pugh (England).
Dramatized by Murai, Shimako/ Hiroshima Girls/ Tokyo/ Woman of Hiroshima Performance Committee, 1999
This is an English translation printed side by side with the original script of “Hiroshima Girls,” dramatized from “The Atom Bomb of Hiroshima and the People of America,” written by Rev. Kiyoshi Tanimoto. “Hiroshima Girls” was first staged, in Japanese, by the Hiroshima-born playwright on August 6, 1999.
広島生まれの劇作家村井志摩子が、谷本清牧師著『広島原爆とアメリカ人 ある牧師の平和行脚』(NHK出版会、1976年)を基に書いた脚本。1999年の8月6日、広島の女上演委員会が制作、初上演した。
Kondoh, Sachiko/ From the Hill of Flash: A Personal Anthology/ private publication, 1999.
This is a collection of tanka poems, with English translation, composed from 1972 to 1999 by an elderly A-bomb survivor. “How cursed our human history/ Ashura leads a funeral cortege/ From Hiroshima/ Ground Zero”
日英併記。日本語題名は、近藤幸子『続・閃光の丘から』(短歌文学を研究する会・青史グループ発行 1999年)。1972年から1999年までの短歌が収録されている。
Chong, Ki-Sheok/ Black Flower in the Sky: Poems of a Korean Bridegroom in Hiroshima/ Santa Fe, N.M./ Katydid Books, 2000.
This is a collection of poems by one of South Korea’s famous poets. In the poems, the author tells the story of a Korean bridegroom who was taken by force to work in a factory in Hiroshima and lost his wife in the bombing.
Davis, Walter A./ The Holocaust Memorial: A Play about Hiroshima/ Bloomington, IN/ 1st Books Library, 2000.
This is the scenario of a psychodrama, in which General Paul Tibbets, kidnapped by a historian who suspects that Tibbets’ book was fake ghost written, tries to set the record straight. Through the dialogue between them, they try to relive the process of the bombing and the day of August 6th, 1945. The drama depicts the hell caused by the bombing based on eye-witnesses' accounts.
Bock, Dennis/ The Ash Garden/ London/ Bloomsbury Publishing, 2001
In this novel, a Japanese woman, an A-bomb survivor in Hiroshima, goes to the U.S. for reconstructive surgery as one of the scarred ‘Hiroshima Maidens.’ She encounters a German migrant who works for the Manhattan Project and his wife.
デニス・ボック『灰の庭』(河出書房新社 2003年)
Estrin, Barbara L./ The American Love Lyric after Auschwitz and Hiroshima/ New York/ Palgrave Macmillan, 2001.
This is a literary criticism on three American poets, Wallace Stevens, Robert Lowell and Adrianne Rich, whose poetry was influenced by the genocide practiced in Auschwitz and the dropping of the A-bomb on Hiroshima. The author claims that these experiences of humanity challenge the whole rhetoric of love lyric.
Miura, Fumiko/ Pages from the Seasons: Selected Tanka/ Tokyo/ Asahi Shuppan-sha, 2002.
This book is a collection of tanka poems based on the author's experience of the A-bombing of Nagasaki when she was a school girl, her struggle with the A-bomb disease after the war, and her process of aging. The poems were translated and introduced by James Kirkup. The author, who taught English literature at universities, has undergone surgery nine times because of various cancers.